NorCal #1 Silver

Scores for Division A

1Davis SeniorDavis High School2Liam Schroth '17
Blue DevilsJacob Miller '17
2GunnHenry M. Gunn High School6Elizabeth Avdanina '16
TitansMiyako Miller '16
3Notre Dame High School - San Jose, CA8TJ Mahoney '19
VarsityEllery Island '19
4KirbyKirby School10Josselyn Verutti '17
Kirby Varsity 1Ben Risley '17
5RedwoodRedwood High School13Ian Roddy '18
Giants 2Jack Gerstein '16
*6Monte Vista ChristiaMonte Vista Christian School18Kate Chandler '17
Monte Vista MustangsAmy Ely '16
*7CampolindoCampolindo High School18Alex Wilson '15
Cougars 2Ryter Ullrich '18
8Bishop O'DowdBishop O'Dowd High School20Simon Boeger '19
VarsitySam Showalter '18
9KirbyKirby School25Olivia Beers '17
Kirby Varsity 2Flora van der Schoot '161
10InternationalThe International School of San Francisco27Alexander Dubois '15
VarsitySebastian Sponholtz '16
11SF University HSSF University High School28Annie Duncan '15
Red DevilsBrian Kirz '18
12Archbishop RiordanArchbishop Riordan29Orlando Diaz '15
VarsityCameron Jackson '15
**13Palo Alto HighPalo Alto High30Sean Jawetz '16
VarsityAndrew Huang '18
**14CampolindoCampolindo High School30Cooper LaRhette '17
Cougars 1Kristen Zarembinski '19
15Crystal Springs UplaCrystal Springs Uplands School31Marisa de Souza '15
VarsityWiley Yu '18
16BerkeleyBerkeley High School32Wu Newell '15
Varsity 2Liam Lautze '16
17Menlo School37John McNelly '15
VarsityBjorn Antell '17
**18Harbor HighHarbor High School39Ian Collignon '16
Harbor PiratesChloe Long '191
Madeline Miller '1621
**19AptosAptos High School39Trevor Foley '18
VarsitySpencer Frawley '16
20MontereyMonterey High School41Dalton Muck '19
Varsity 2No show
b21RedwoodRedwood High School43Kaelin Stock '18
Giants 1Berklee Bechard '161
Gabe Di Donato '152
c22Half Moon BayHalf Moon Bay High School43Brett Baron '16
CougarsEmma Reynolds '16
c23The AthenianThe Athenian School43Gabrielle (Gabby) Rigby '15
OwlsJacob (Jake) Glenn '171
Jonah Kirmse '172
b24Monte VistaMonte Vista High School44Michael Lively '18
Mustangs 1Thomas Laskarzewski '18
b25St. Mary's High School - Stockton, CA44Alec Helms '17
VarsityJoshua Lasiter '18
d26Monte VistaMonte Vista High School48John DiLella '18
Mustangs 2Zack Taylor '19
d27Summit High School - Redwood, CA48Peter Werner '17
VarsityJasper Trouerbach '161
Kat Hipkins '172
28BerkeleyBerkeley High School52James Guiraud '15
Varsity 1Ricky Orozco '15
29Waldorf High School55Aidan Doyle '18
VarsityOlivia Dreilinger '17
30LincolnLincoln High School - Stockton, CA56Jackson Faylor '15
Varsity 1Emily Simpkins '17
31LincolnLincoln High School - Stockton, CA59Emily Simpkins '17
Varsity 2Justin Flores '17
32MontereyMonterey High School60Connor Jacobs '19
Varsity 1AnnaGrace Camara '15
33TamalpaisTamalpais High School65Thomas Fredericks '17
Red Tailed HawksJacob Orezco '17
*Number of high-place (4) finishes
**Number of high-place (11) finishes
bNumber of high-place (10) finishes
cAccording to last race (2)
dNumber of high-place (14) finishes
1Aptos sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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