Minnesota Conference #4

Scores for Division B

1WayzataWayzata High School14Wiley Hunt '19
NavyReid Vanatta '201-4
Anna Brew '175
*2OronoOrono High School16Archie Bolgar '19
MixedDivya Periakaruppan '201
*3OronoOrono High School16Henry Jaffray '18
NavyEthan Blum '20
*4OronoOrono High School16Erik Sundberg '17
Scarlet 1Megan Schoenzeit '21
5StillwaterStillwater High School30Katie Wallace '18
VarsityLeigh Marker '17
6Southwest SeniorSouthwest Senior High School32Remi Clark '19
VarsityArya Pamungkas '18
7MinnetonkaMinnetonka High School35Rex Frazier '21
VarsityEvan Komis '20
8WashburnWashburn High School39Elle Miller '20
mixedHenry Chadbourn '182
9MinnetonkaMinnetonka High School43Khan Dickel '20
SkippersJoseph Goleczka '19
10Southwest SeniorSouthwest Senior High School44Jack Erickson '171-23
James Jagielski '213-5
mixedMason Pirner '21
11OronoOrono High School48Dominic Serino '19
Scarlet 2Martin Weiss '22
12StillwaterStillwater High School58Maggie Raedeke '18
MixedPeter Zajec '201-4
Maggie Sanderson '225
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
1Wayzata sailor
2Southwest Senior sailor
3Washburn sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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