Pumpkin Regatta

Scores for Division A

1East Grand RapidsEast Grand Rapids21connor goulet '17
Varsity Mixed 1regan pitts '181-2,5-8
bella kirchgessner '193-4
2Grosse Pointe NorthGrosse Pointe North High School40Charlie Ramsdell '20
NorsemenAdam Suraez '20
3Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South High School41Billy Vogel '21
Gold (Mixed)Audrey Whitaker '19
4Cranbrook KingswoodCranbrook Kingswood45Buddy Ford-Rippolone '17
Cranbrook BlueLauren Winegarden '20
*5Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South High School50Anna Carron '211-2,5-6
Michael Kirkman '203-4,7-8
Yellow (Mixed)Ryan Hexter '211-6
Jacob Orhan '177-8
*6Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South High School50Christiana Schiebner '191-2
Dougie Cowan '223-8
Blue Devils (Mixed)Emma Turner '191-4
Christiana Schiebner '195-8
7Grand HavenGrand Haven High School60Frank Frisinger '19
GH BlueMorgan Parrent '19
8Grand HavenGrand Haven High School74Elise Betten '18
MixedGrace Kucharski '19
9Grosse IleGrosse Ile High School86Michael Kalata '18
Red Devils ScarletTyler Pardo '18
10West BloomfieldWest Bloomfield High School87Isabel Dziuba '19
PumpkinsNolan Beaty '19
11Detroit Country DayDetroit Country Day School97Brian Liu '18
GhostChristopher Gilmer-Hill '18
12Grosse IleGrosse Ile High School98Rylan van de Weting '20
Red Devils GreyKyla Bugarin '20
13Traverse City WestTraverse City West99Liam Clone '20
VarsityIan Beck '18
14West BloomfieldWest Bloomfield High School104Benjamin Varner '181
MIXED SkeletonsVictor Logan '202
15East Grand RapidsEast Grand Rapids107Owen Steger '213
Varsity Mixed 2Andrew Kleiman '211-2,5-83
simon rockwell '203-4
16Traverse City CentraTraverse City Central108Amelia Burke '18
VarsityCaelan Wright '19
17Cranbrook KingswoodCranbrook Kingswood114Carsten Ritter '17
MixedLizzie Balsam '18
18St. Francis  TraversSt. Francis High School Traverse City118Katherine Clulo '17
St Francis GladiatorNoah Passinault '17
19Cranbrook KingswoodCranbrook Kingswood139Amy Phenjati '18
Cranbrook WhiteNatalie Simmons '18
20West BloomfieldWest Bloomfield High School143Etahn Gulati '221-2,5-6
Walter Paliga '223-4,7-8
Trick or Treat MIXEDWalter Paliga '221-2,5-6
Etahn Gulati '223-4,7-8
*Number of high-place (1) finishes
1Oxford sailor
2University Liggett sailor
3Grand Rapids Christi sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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