VISA Poquoson Fleet Race Regatta

Scores for Division A

*1Hampton RoadsHampton Roads Academy15Parker Moore '25
NavigatorsJosie Brindley '261-2,5-6
Daphne Ambrosino '273-4
*2Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy15Sean Trudell '24
Bulldogs 1Sabrina Casagrande '251-2,5-6
Jack Poynter '253-4
3ChristchurchChristchurch School20Owen Grainger '24
Seahorses 1Simone Moss '25
4Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School32Maddie Murphy '25
Oaks 2Finian Bohan '27
5Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School43Kiana Beachy '24
Oaks 1Emma Horton '25
6Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy45Hunter Wheary '24
Bulldogs 2Amanda Wong '25
7MauryMaury High School46Tucker McGrady '26
Commodores 1Lenox Wakefield '27
8Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy48Eliana Mopper '26
Bulldogs 3Addie Lesley '26
9MauryMaury High School59Jackson McGrady '26
Commodores 3Lillian Bowes '251-2,5-6
Colin Moorhouse '273-4
**10MauryMaury High School60Emily Priest '25
Commodores 2Annika Fox '27
**11ChristchurchChristchurch School60Paul Rodrigues Jr '24
Seahorses 2Cherry Phan '25
12PhoebusPhoebus High School72Angelo Bellecci '251
PhantomsAbigail Adams '282
13KecoughtanKecoughtan High School73Kieran Mason '26
WarriorsPatrick Bielewicz '282
14PoquosonPoquoson High School79Cam Brewer '24
IslandersEvan Harris '24
15GraftonGrafton High School80Grif Mahan '25
ClippersLeonidas Winslow '27
16Peninsula CatholicPeninsula Catholic High School88Mary Patterson '27
KnightsMadison Bivins '25
17The HagueThe Hague School92Justina Reynolds '24
TritonsNathan Libby '26
18Frank W. CoxFrank W. Cox High School100Olivia Jensen '27
FalconsElizabeth Jensen '25
*Number of high-place (1) finishes
**Head-to-head tiebreaker
1Heritage - VA sailor
2Hampton Roads sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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