VISA Kecoughtan Fleet Race Regatta

Scores for Division B

1Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy12James Allgeier '27
Bulldogs 1Marin Soderberg '24
2Hampton RoadsHampton Roads Academy25Pierce Brindley '24
Navigators 1Daphne Ambrosino '27
3Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School32Kiana Beachy '24
Oaks 1Emma Horton '25
4ChristchurchChristchurch School46Wylder Smith '27
Seahorses 2Simone Moss '25
5ChristchurchChristchurch School50Duncan Hardy '27
Seahorses 1Cherry Phan '25
6MauryMaury High School60Emily Priest '25
Commodores 1Annika Fox '271-2
Charlotte McCoy '243-8
7Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy62Eliana Mopper '261-2,5-6
Margaret Poston '283-4,7-8
Bulldogs 2Amanda Wong '251-2,5-6
Anna Iacobucci '253-4,7-8
8PhoebusPhoebus High School63Ryan Stokes '28
PhantomsChase Young '281
9KecoughtanKecoughtan High School73Chloe Anderson '241-6
Caleb Kyle '257-8
WarriorsCaleb Kyle '251-6
Chloe Anderson '247-8
10Hampton RoadsHampton Roads Academy74Charlie Moore '271-4
Nicholas Bielewicz '265-8
Navigators 2Patrick Bielewicz '281-4
Abigail Adams '285-8
11GraftonGrafton High School78Nathan Shaw '27
ClippersLeonidas Winslow '27
12Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School86Alex Salzberg '25
Oaks 2Joshua Ortiz '271-4
Tucker Peltier '265-8
13The HagueThe Hague School96Mady McGee '272
TritonsIro Catravas '251-22
Eraj Zaidi '253-82
14Peninsula CatholicPeninsula Catholic High School107Madison Bivins '25
KnightsAidan Murphy '25
15PoquosonPoquoson High School109Hunter Walton '25
IslandersCate Rutter '24
16MauryMaury High School113Lillian Rippel '25
Commodores 2Lenox Wakefield '271-2
Lillian Bowes '253-8
17Catholic HSCatholic High School138Hunter Heckman '26
CrusadersSebastian Rodriguez '251-4
Brandon Skaredoff '275-6
Noah Webber '267-8
18Frank W. CoxFrank W. Cox High School152Olivia Jensen '27
FalconsElizabeth Jensen '25
1Bethel sailor
2Norfolk Academy sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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