2024-25 PCISA SoCal 2 Silver

Scores for Division A

1JSerra CatholicJSerra Catholic High School8Tyler Olsen '25
Lions 1Liam McArthur '28
2Francis ParkerFrancis Parker School13Vesper Gronborg '29 *
Parker 2Chloe Raddemaker '28 *
3JSerra CatholicJSerra Catholic High School20Charley Stephenson '26
Lions 2Chloe Smith '28
4Mission BayMission Bay High School25Anna Huber '26
Buccaneer 2Maeve McGovern '26
5Francis ParkerFrancis Parker School28Fia Cattaneo '27
Parker 1Gabriella Price '27
6Mission BayMission Bay High School29Alexander Martin '28
Buccaneer 3Ian Steinberger '26
7San Pedro High School39Iliana Hernandez '27
PiratesAngelina Albano '26
8Palos VerdesPalos Verdes High School42Leland Howard '26
Sea KingsSevianne Botiller '26
9San Dieguito High School Academy56Adela Jackson '27
San Dieguito Academ 2Oliver Klopp '27
10Mission BayMission Bay High School60Lucas Sarouhan '27
Buccaneer 1Ian Hamilton '26
11Valley Christian High School62Brooks Vogt '28
Valley ChristianArthur DeJong '28
12Redondo UnionRedondo Union High School63Bryce Miyahara-Miller '29
Sea Hawks 4Indi Essmiller '27
13Redondo UnionRedondo Union High School64Tatum Cunningham '25
Sea Hawks 3Hailey Elias '28
14Redondo UnionRedondo Union High School66Dylhan Bajaj '28
Sea Hawks 2Maya Cortez '28
15Coastal AcademyCoastal Academy High School74Benjamin Winn '25
Stingrays 1Caleb Winn '26
16El Segundo High School75Tate Vincent '28 *
El SegundoKatherine Akens '24 *
17Del Norte High School80
Del Norte
18Torrey PinesTorrey Pines High School84Natalie Jalaie '25
Falcons 2Julia Biderman '25
19Torrey PinesTorrey Pines High School90Trey Evans '28
Falcons 1Natalie Jalaie '25
20St. John BoscoSt. John Bosco High School93Roman Galindo '25
BravesBen Garza '25
21San Dieguito High School Academy99Taylor Seidner '29
San Dieguito Academ 1No show
22Redondo UnionRedondo Union High School102Alden Snyder '27
Sea Hawks 1Meliah Medeiros '28
23Coastal AcademyCoastal Academy High School109Harper Schindler '291-3
Jack Carson '254-5
Stingrays 2Jack Carson '251
Kisa Hilsabeck '272-5

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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