2024-25 PCISA SoCal 1 Gold


Saturday, September 14:

It was a fun start to the 2024-2025 SoCal season this Saturday! We had 26 Gold teams and 20 silver teams on the water; conditions were standard September sailing: a slight south eddy breeze in the morning which built and shifted west as the marine layer burned off. By 1:00 p.m., we had sunny skies and 8 knots of breeze...a perfect day in the basin. Special thanks to Newport Harbor Yacht Club for hosting...and to PRO Jackie Hollander, who oversaw eight fun and fair races in each division and helped to enter scores manually afterwards with Techscore offline!

Score summary

1Mater DeiMonarchs 23232
2Newport HarborSailors 23535
3Corona del MarSea Kings 15656
4Newport HarborSailors 16969
5Mira CostaMustangs 27171
6South TorranceSpartans 17575
7Mater DeiMonarchs 17676
8Pirates 27777
9Mira CostaMustangs 18989
10Palos VerdesSea Kings9595
11Cathedral CatholicDons 2101101
12Corona del MarSea Kings 3104104
13Corona del MarSea Kings 2108108
14Corona del MarSea Kings 4112112
15Los AlamitosGriffins113113
*16Mater DeiMonarchs 3116116
*17Point LomaPointers 1116116
18South TorranceSpartans 2117117
19Pirates 1128128
20Point LomaPointers 2151151
21Cathedral CatholicDons 1154154
22The Bishop'sKnights157157
23Francis ParkerParker161161
**24PV PeninsulaPanthers165165
**25La JollaVikings165165
26Mater DeiMonarchs 4169169
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
**Number of high-place (11) finishes

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated. Note that the races are ordered by number, then division, which may not represent the order in which the races were actually sailed.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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