2024-25 PCISA SoCal 3 Gold

Scores for Division A

1Francis ParkerFrancis Parker School21Dominic Ciccimaro '25
Parker 1Noelle Yuen '25
2Francis ParkerFrancis Parker School29Emily Otto '26
Parker 3Fenja Bahrenburg '25
3Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School31Mesa Uliasz '28
Sea Kings 2Molly Torres '28
4Newport HarborNewport Harbor High School32Charlie Krause '28
SailorsMilana Dedriech '28
5Mira CostaMira Costa High School37Gabe Hasen '25
MustangsSailor Mays '29
6San Pedro High School51Nicholas Parsnik '26
Pirates 1Gwen Hildebrand '25
7Francis ParkerFrancis Parker School52Caeden Nodurft '25
Parker 2Fabiola Bahrenburg '28
8Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School59Jonah Moore '27
Sea Kings 3Camryn Homer '28
9Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School67Preston Decker '28
Sea Kings 1Alex Letourneau '26
10Mission BayMission Bay High School70Anna Huber '26
BuccaneerMaeve McGovern '26
11South TorranceSouth Torrance High School72Joaquin DesRochers '25
SpartansKatie Traylen '27
12Mater DeiMater Dei High School80Beckett Christensen '27
MonarchsMaddie Liu '28
13St. JosephSt. Joseph High School83Elizabeth Nash '28
JestersKaya Gagnon '27
14The Bishop'sBishop's School89Cameron Rosso '271-10
KnightsNo show1-2
Rowan Harmon '273-10
15La JollaLa Jolla High School99Malia Wilke '28
Vikings 2Owen Sterbenz '28
16San Pedro High School105Kennedy Hildebrand '27
Pirates 2Niko Seiple '27
17La JollaLa Jolla High School107Trevor Dunklee '26
Vikings 1Katie McQuaid '28
18PV PeninsulaPalos Verdes Peninsula High School113

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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