2024 PCISA Keelboat Challenge

Scores for Division A

1Point LomaPoint Loma High School16Ian Nyenhuis '251-12
PointersSkye Terrell '251-12
Wyatt Kelly '261-12
Ryan Downey '251-12
2Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School22Siena Nichols '271-10
Sea KingsMichael Sentovich '261-10
Maddie Nichols '271-10
Isabella Clark '251-10
3Newport HarborNewport Harbor High School25Conrad Cook '25
SailorsReid White '27
Cash Espinoza '25
Charlotte Carmichael '27
*4Mater DeiMater Dei High School26Noah Stapleton '25
MonarchsTate Christopher '25
Walter McFarland '25
Sophia Corzine '26
*5RedwoodRedwood High School26Mark Xu '261-12
GiantsHenry Vare '26
Blake Oberbauer '251-12
Rhett Krawitt '261-12
6Los AlamitosLos Alamitos High School33Stewart McCaleb '261-10
GriffinsReef Settlemire '271-10
Mathilde Smith '261-10
Henry Tran '281-10
7Cathedral CatholicCathedral Catholic High School34Owen Fretwell '26
DonsLiam Kaseburg '26
Carlin Fretwell '26
Sean Kaseburg '28
8The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco42Caleb Everett '26
BreakersNico Anders '26
Lelio Maurillo '25
Anna Rauh '26
9Francis ParkerFrancis Parker School49Emily Otto '26
ParkerFenja Bahrenburg '25
Dominic Ciccimaro '25
Caeden Nodurft '25
10San Pedro High School56
11South TorranceSouth Torrance High School64Joaquin DesRochers '25
SpartansReese Lieser '25
Arianna Yiakas '27
Caleb Rauzon '27
12Sato Academy of MathSato Academy of Mathematics and Science70Jessica Green '251-10
DragonsIshaan Peterson '281-10
Abigail Fenholt '281-10
Elijah Soussan '261-10
*Number of high-place (2) finishes

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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