Casco Bay Open

Scores for Division A

1BarringtonBarrington High School8Duffy Macaulay '27
EaglesQuin Schneider '25
2Tabor AcademyTabor Academy13Sander Skaane '27
SeawolvesElinor Grant '27
*3MarbleheadMarblehead High School15Thomas Svencer '26
FishwagonsElla Benedetto '25
*4Lincoln AcademyLincoln Academy15Otto Schoenthal '25
EaglesLilla Hall '25
5DuxburyDuxbury High School16Derek Kirby '25
Dragons 1Abigail Weekly '25
6Cape Cod AcademyCape Cod Academy18Lydia Stanney '27
SeahawksAlex Herman '26
7Cape ElizabethCape Elizabeth High School23Story Straw '251-2
Sage Evans '253
CapersCeleste Tourangeu '26
8PortlandPortland High School27Charlotte McDonald '25
BulldogsBella Trimmer '26
9Falmouth  MaineFalmouth High School (ME)28Wilson Langston '251-2
William Kelley '253
NavigatorsBeck Langston '27
10East GreenwichEast Greenwich High School31Colin Auvil '26
AvengersHarper Kelley '25
11SharonSharon High School35Ethan Huang '261-2
Thomas Zhang '263
EaglesRay Luo '251-2
Ashika Reddy '263
12CheverusCheverus High SchoolMRP39Josh Herlihy '25
VarsityPhoebe Kibler '26
13YarmouthYarmouth High School45Reid Garofoli '27
ClippersSyrin Hassan '27
14DuxburyDuxbury High SchoolMRP46
Dragons 2
Southern ME
16Greely  - MaineGreely High School - MaineMRP66Alex Wharton '25
RangersJack Chmielewski '25
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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