Scores for Division A

1Clear LakeClear Lake High School13Jack Cronan '2516
Falcons 1Gabrielle Golemi '2616
2Clear LakeClear Lake High School30Andrew Hibbetts '2516
Falcons 2Karaline Cronan '2816
3Nolan CatholicNolan Catholic High School33Christian Lopez '26 *16
Vikings 2Alex Van Zanten '2816
4Nolan CatholicNolan Catholic High School47Mickey Valenti '2516
Vikings 1Athan Hernandez '2516
5Nolan CatholicNolan Catholic High School49Lillyanna Moody '26 *16
Vikings 3Max Boettcher '2516
6Carroll Senior High School62Gentry Schneider '2516
Carroll SeniorCarter Anderson '2616
7Ursuline AcademyUrsuline Academy63Caroline Rozands '251-10
Lions-PinkCeceilia Zinsel '251-10
8Ursuline AcademyUrsuline Academy73Piper Long '271-10
Lions-TealLauren Galligan '251-2,5-6,9-10
Ellena McGuire '253-4,7-8
9Ursuline AcademyUrsuline Academy89Kaybree Cushenberry '261-10
Lions-BlueReagan Williams '281-2,5-6
Lydia Brown '283-4,7-10
10Nolan CatholicNolan Catholic High School93Tyler Sabric '2916
Vikings 4Penelope Potter '2916

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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