NJISA 2024 Back to School Regatta

Scores for Division B

*1Southern RegionalSouthern Regional High School9Gannon Botwinick '27
RamsElla Linkewich '28
*2Donovan CatholicDonovan Catholic High School9Cameron Hart '27
Griffins 1Annabelle Arcuri '27
3Toms River  SouthToms River South12Rex Salzer '26
IndiansJacob Palombo '27
4Christian BrothersChristian Brothers Academy13Kyle Lombardino '25
Colts 1Alton DeOliveria '26
5The PingryThe Pingry School24Blythe Hoffman '28
Big Blue Isabelle Yeung '281-3
Ryan Tarpley '284
6DelbartonDelbarton School27Jack Tonzola '25
Green WaveJohn Mermel '27
7Christian BrothersChristian Brothers Academy32Seth Santos '27
Colts 2Daniel Kuzloski '25
8RidgeRidge High School35Mae Schlenker '28
Red DevilsAlly Pellegrino '251-2
Brendan McCune '273-4
9ChathamChatham High School38Cara Lynch '27
Cougars 1Bridget Sweeney '27
10Christian BrothersChristian Brothers Academy41Jack Slavin '28
Colts 3Donald Johnston '25
11RanneyRanney School42Amelia Scuorzo '28
PanthersJulien Wong '27
12SummitSummit High School43Elena Carranza '261,3
Dylan Raymundo-Neal, Dylan '272,4
HilltoppersDylan Raymundo-Neal, Dylan '271,3
Elena Carranza '262,4
13ChathamChatham High School46Ethan Wagner '26
Cougars 2Samantha Wagner '281-3
Cameron Francini '254
14Donovan CatholicDonovan Catholic High School52Anna Hnatt '28
Griffins 2Oliver Roske '27
15Seton Hall PrepSeton Hall Preparatory School58Colby Christian '27
PiratesLucas Obrien '271-2
Lazar Maslarkov '273-4
*According to last race (4B)

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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