NJISA 2024 Fall Fleet Championship

Scores for Division B

1Southern RegionalSouthern Regional High School19Jude Ryon '27
RamsGannon Botwinick '271-2
Noah Tallman '253-8
Belle Placa '259-11
2RanneyRanney School39Jack Pentony '26
PanthersAmelia Scuorzo '28
3Christian BrothersChristian Brothers Academy42Patrick Kennedy '28
ColtsAlton DeOliveria '26
4Toms River  SouthToms River South46Rex Salzer '26
IndiansTaylor Sipe '27
5Donovan CatholicDonovan Catholic High School68Cameron Hart '27
GriffinsAnna Hnatt '281-10
Annabelle Arcuri '2711
6The PingryThe Pingry School75Blythe Hoffman '281-12
Big BlueRyan Tarpley '281-6,9-11
Jack Shea '277-8
7SummitSummit High School78Grace Penque '25
HilltoppersMichael Creel '251-2
Elodie Hellmuth '273-13
8RidgeRidge High School80Mae Schlenker '28
Red DevilsMatthew Moschello '261-6
Leo van der Valk '267-13
9ChathamChatham High School87Cara Lynch '27
CougarsMaddie Field '271-2
Bridget Sweeney '273-10
Divyanshi Rath '2511
10DelbartonDelbarton School108Jack Tonzola '25
Green WaveJohn Mermel '271-2,5-6,9-13
Henry Clyan '273-4,7-8
*11Seton Hall PrepSeton Hall Preparatory School118Colby Christian '27
PiratesDean ROMAIN '261-2
Lazar Maslarkov '273-13
*12Trinity HallTrinity Hall118Margaret Burns '27
MonarchsSamantha Goldberg '26
13Point Pleasant BeachPoint Pleasant Beach High School119Sydney Zylinski '251-6
Hudson DePaul '267-11
Garnett GullsHudson DePaul '261-6
Amelia Kozlowski '257-11
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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