NJISA 2024 Monmouth Hawks Invitational

Scores for Division A

1Southern RegionalSouthern Regional High School9Turner Ryon '251-2,5-6
Jude Ryon '273-4,7-8
RamsNoah Tallman '25
2Christian BrothersChristian Brothers Academy11Cole Buczkowski '27
Colts 1Matthew Dupree '25
3Donovan CatholicDonovan Catholic High School24Liam Marcell '26
Griffins 1Scarlett Colman '26
4Seton Hall PrepSeton Hall Preparatory School26Ryan D'Orsi '26
PiratesColby Christian '271-2
Lazar Maslarkov '273-12
5RidgeRidge High School36James McCarthy '26
Red DevilsJack Schlenker '261-2,5-6,9-10
Ally Pellegrino '253-4,7-8,11-12
6Donovan CatholicDonovan Catholic High School37Jimmy McCann '28
Griffins 2Grace Torpey '26
7SummitSummit High School41Brady Parkes '26
Hilltoppers 1Elodie Hellmuth '27
8Christian BrothersChristian Brothers Academy43Greyson Colman '25
Colts 2Seth Santos '27
9The PingryThe Pingry School49Avery Hoffman '261-6
Big BlueJack Shea '271-6
10Trinity HallTrinity Hall59Sophia Galiano '261-6
MonarchsEvelyn Magee '261-6
11SummitSummit High School61Peter Huntley-Robertson '25
Hilltoppers 2Tristan Pohl '27

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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