VISA Christchurch Race Day

Scores for Division A

1ChristchurchChristchurch School12Wylder Smith '27
Seahorses 6Malia Deane '25
2ChristchurchChristchurch School13No show
Seahorses 1No show
3ChristchurchChristchurch School16Bo Angus '25
Seahorses 4Brooke Mertz '26
4ChristchurchChristchurch School17No show
Seahorses 3No show
5ChristchurchChristchurch School19Elliott Lipp '26
Seahorses 5Suzie Nguyen '25
6ChristchurchChristchurch School23Tom Seibold '26
Seahorses 9Cherry Phan '25
7ChristchurchChristchurch School26Madeline Janzen '25
Seahorses 7Bennett Moss '26
8ChristchurchChristchurch School30GP Keating '27
Seahorses 10Millicent Branflick '26
9ChristchurchChristchurch School37Adelaide Matzky '25
Seahorses 15Eleanor Lorenzen '28
10ChristchurchChristchurch School42Simone Moss '25
Seahorses 14Emma Ho '25
11ChristchurchChristchurch School49Chloe Shurr '25
Seahorses 13Olivia Wolff '27
*12ChristchurchChristchurch School51Duncan Hardy '27
Seahorses 11Minh Tho Nguyen '26
*13ChristchurchChristchurch School51No show
Seahorses 2No show
*14ChristchurchChristchurch School51Wyatt Lipp '28
Seahorses 8Cindy Zhang '28
15ChristchurchChristchurch School54Jackson McGrady '26
Seahorses 12Carly Moss '28
16ChristchurchChristchurch School59Pierson Teer '27
Seahorses 17Ayden Claussen '28
17ChristchurchChristchurch School63Jacob Carey '26
Seahorses 18Brock Miller '28
18ChristchurchChristchurch School71Nicholas Cromartie '27
Seahorses 16Selena Vu '27
19ChristchurchChristchurch School76Kaia Deane '28
Seahorses 19Rivers Hickey '28
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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