VISA Fleet Championship

Scores for Division A

1ChristchurchChristchurch School13Tom Seibold '26
Seahorses 1Millicent Branflick '26
2ChristchurchChristchurch School19GP Keating '27
Seahorses 2Cherry Phan '25
3Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy39Margaret Poston '28
Bulldogs 1Juliana Libby '28
4Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School42Maddie Murphy '25
Oaks 1Emma Horton '251-6
Alex Rodriguez '277
5Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School47Brandt Adams '281-4,7
Jessie Hanenburg '30 *5-6
Oaks 2Phoenix Weaver '271-2,7
Corrine Todd '273-4
Brandt Adams '285-6
6MauryMaury High School56Tucker McGrady '26
Commodores 1Madeline Ballard '25
7ChristchurchChristchurch School59Jackson McGrady '26
Seahorses 3Carly Moss '28
8YorkYork High School60Liam Burke '27
FalconsSavannah VanCleave '25
*9TabbTabb High School65Sophia Lopez '30
TigersKatherine Michael '26
*10Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy65Grant Fernandez '27
Bulldogs 2Addie Lesley '26
11MauryMaury High School70Lillian Rippel '25
Commodores 2Colin Moorhouse '27
12The HagueThe Hague School72Nathan Libby '26
TritonsAniyah Lang '28
13GraftonGrafton High School81Felix Susta '27
ClippersEzekiel Hurst '25
14KecoughtanKecoughtan High School88Kieran Mason '26
WarriorsBrooklynn Maranto '28
15PoquosonPoquoson High School90Hunter Walton '25
IslandersAkito Leslie '261-2
Caiden Williams '293-6
Andrew Buyalos '287
16Frank W. CoxFrank W. Cox High School107Thatcher Elliott '27
FalconsAshlynn Kopaskey '251-2,5-6
Stephen Utley '273-4,7
17PhoebusPhoebus High School110Chase Young '28
PhantomsTyler Slemp '251-21
Lillian Melzer '283-41
Ryan Stokes '285-7
18Catholic HSCatholic High School115Sebastian Rodriguez '251-4,7
Brandon Skaredoff '275-6
CrusadersBrandon Skaredoff '271-2
Davis Pelton '263-4
Matthew Woodard '275-7
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
1Kecoughtan sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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