VISA Poquoson Team 2 Fleet Regatta


Saturday, October 5:

Varsity sailors representing 7 schools arrived at Mill Creek in Hampton, VA to find partly cloudy skies temps in the mid 70's, flat water and no wind. Wind filled in to just sailable at NNW around 10:30 and the JV sailors launched. Shortly after 11 the wind shifted to NNE, and then settled to steady NE around 12:30. Winds built throughout the day to the mid teens with gusts just over 15 mph before sailing ended around 2:30.

JV and combined division varsity rotated into the boats every 3 races on a windward/leeward course with a combination of W-2's and W-4's. JV and V were scored as separate regattas. Each regatta completed 6 races.

In the varsity races, individual boat scores resulted in Kecoughtan A finishing first with 18 points. Also with 18 points, but losing the tie breaker was York High school Sailors sailing A division for Peninsula Catholic. The third place boat was Tabb B division with 28 points. Regatta finishes for the schools indicate that Tabb High School took first place with 57 points. Kecoughtan followed in second with 74 points, and Poquoson finished third with 79 points.

JV finishes resulted in Christchurch Team 1 finishing with a clean 10 points in first, followed by Norfolk Academy Team 2 in second with 23 points, and Poquoson in third with 29 points.

The regatta thanks the volunteers who made the event possible, especially drag racing record holder, and former CNU and York County Schools high school sailing coach Dan Smoker who returned to run the races as PRO. We are honored to have Dan return along with his grandson Daniel, a former VISA and CNU sailor who filled in to coach his old team, return to VISA to support their good friend regatta chair and Poquoson coach, David Hanna.

Score summary

4Peninsula CatholicKnights186381
5Catholic HSCrusaders5461115
7Frank W. CoxFalcons7378151

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated. Note that the races are ordered by number, then division, which may not represent the order in which the races were actually sailed.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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