2023 Norcal 6 Gold Fleet

Scores for Division A

1StevensonStevenson School19Max McCormick '24
PiratesStevie Thomsen '23
2AlamedaAlameda High School21Owen Cuyler '24
Hornets 1Kelly Benson '24
3RedwoodRedwood High School30Morgan Headington '24
Giants 1Adeline Turner '23
4EncinalEncinal High School33Kyle Nguyen '24
Jets 2Ava Estilaei '27
5CarlmontCarlmont39Ward Brouwer '24
The ScotsTyler Robinson '27
*6RedwoodRedwood High School46Nathan Posard '25
Giants 2Xander Mann '26
*7RedwoodRedwood High School46Parker Stacy '26
Giants 3Lauren Olsen '24
8Menlo-Atherton55Dominic Lin '25
VarsityAnne Burg '25
9AcalanesAcalanes High School57Brendan Connelly '23
DonsAria Falahati '271-5
Jay Shoenhair '266
10EncinalEncinal High School58Emi Puertas '27
Jets 1Ellie Tucker '27
11AlamedaAlameda High School62Reid Sojka '26
Hornets 2Sabine Lee '251-2,5-6
Charles Maxey '253-4
**12TamalpaisTamalpais High School69Jack Phibbs '23
Red Tailed Hawks 1Annika Burns '23
**13Design TechDesign Tech High School69Melanie Magnani '23
d.tech 1Simone Karlon '23
14Design TechDesign Tech High School70Matthew Huskins '23
d.tech 2Lorelai Hartman '25
15The UrbanThe Urban School83
16Los Altos HighLos Altos High85Nolan Theodore '26
EaglesDeniz Ozcan '26
17TamalpaisTamalpais High School96No show
Red Tailed Hawks 2Jason Lester '24
18AlamedaAlameda High School100Chase Carson '25
Hornets 3Joby Overton '261-2,5-6
Charles Maxey '253-4
19Mountain View High School (CA)102Adrian Maciuca '25
Mountain ViewLiberty Evans '26
*Number of high-place (3) finishes
**Number of high-place (13) finishes

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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