Earth Day Tier III


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 2 races, and when switching divisions.

A Division

BathBath Fighting Bees MIXED11335577991111
Brother Rice (MI)Brother Rice (MI) BRM Orange MIXED2244668810101212
Cranbrook KingswoodCranbrook Kingswood Blue 133557799111111
Cranbrook KingswoodCranbrook Kingswood Blue 24466881010121222
East LansingEast Lansing East Lansing MIXED55779911111133
Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South Blue Devils6688101012122244
Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South White (Mixed)77991111113355
Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South Plaid8810101212224466
Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South Gold (Mixed)99111111335577
SeaholmSeaholm MIXED Maples1010121222446688
University LiggettUniversity Liggett Mixed11111133557799
West BloomfieldWest Bloomfield MIXED Green1212224466881010

B Division

BathBath Fighting Bees MIXED2244668810101212
Brother Rice (MI)Brother Rice (MI) BRM Orange MIXED33557799111111
Cranbrook KingswoodCranbrook Kingswood Blue 14466881010121222
Cranbrook KingswoodCranbrook Kingswood Blue 255779911111133
East LansingEast Lansing East Lansing MIXED6688101012122244
Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South Blue Devils77991111113355
Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South White (Mixed)8810101212224466
Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South Plaid99111111335577
Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South Gold (Mixed)1010121222446688
SeaholmSeaholm MIXED Maples11111133557799
University LiggettUniversity Liggett Mixed1212224466881010
West BloomfieldWest Bloomfield MIXED Green11335577991111