MDISA DC Sail Spring '23 T2

Scores for Division B

1School Without Walls8Amory Smith '26
VarsityGeorgia Neaderland '271-41
Henry Yang '27 *52
2SouthernSouthern High School10Michael Grube '243
BulldogsFinn Dwyer '261-2,53
Harry McMahon '253-43
3KeyKey School21Mary Hayes Cobbum '27
ZagsElizabeth Roesch '27
4AnnapolisAnnapolis High School22Henry Meyer '25
PanthersRobert Bauer '26
5Severna ParkSeverna Park30Pierce Brenner '251-3
Spencer Aubel '264-5
FalconsHenry Carlson '251-3
Bret Boeskin '234-5
6Indian CreekIndian Creek School31Arabelle Gemmell '25
EaglesOwen Crum '27
7BroadneckBroadneck High School33Abigail Burritt '25
BruinsAndrea Runk '24
8Patuxent36Joseph DiBonaventuro '26
PanthersNolan Wingate '28
9South RiverSouth River High School38Lily Moss '25
SeahawksRory Campbell '281-2,5
Lincoln Ditchkofsky-Hartge '263-4
10Walt WhitmanWalt Whitman High School46Deniz Ayhan '24
VikingsGrace Shields '25
1St. Stephens St. Agn sailor
2Dunbar sailor
3Rockbridge Academy sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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