Merc Silver - 2023 Zimba MBL Championship

Scores for Division A

1DuxburyDuxbury High School23Ella Notis '23
DragonsAndrew Tenney '23
2SharonSharon High School49Rohan Shah '23
EaglesAkash Shah '23
3BB&NBB&N - Buckingham Browne and Nichols50Declan Walsh '26
KnightsLucas Sabatini '24
4WellesleyWellesley High School52Timothy Cronin '231-4
Evan Hinchley '255-10
RaidersIsabella Pavano '231-4
Kathleen Gallico '255-10
5HinghamHingham High School59Maddie Cleary '281-5
Audrey Smith '266-10
HinghamJessica Scipione '271-5
Chris Hoppe '256-10
6The WinsorThe Winsor School62Romy Gaudet '251-5
Paige Fenton '266-10
Winsor WildcatsAlisa Ross '261-5
Ella Luo '276-10
7WinchesterWinchester High School64Nick Russo '251-5
Ashton Marnik '266-10
SachemsMann Shoffner '231-5
Sean Morrison '236-10
8Boston LatinBoston Latin School84Ava MacKinnon '261-5
Owen Peterson '246-10
WolfpackJustin Paik '231-5
Benjamin Jacobson '25 *6-10
9Unregistered-NESSAUnregistered-NESSA93Unregskip 1 '23 *
MBL Coop 1Unregcrew 1 '24 *
10Unregistered-NESSAUnregistered-NESSA94Julia Gordon '23 *1-5
Molly Aubertine '23 *6-10
MBL Coop 2Alice Fisher '23 *1-5
Cole Hunter '23 *6-10
11Unregistered-NESSAUnregistered-NESSA102Unregskip 2 '23 *
MBL Coop 3Unregcrew 4 '26 *
12Cambridge R&LCambridge R&L School112nora pierce '26 *
Falconssebastien ruiz samojluk '25 *
13NatickNatick High School117Evan Nolan '231-5
Matt Tracy '246-10
RedhawksAlex Rendall '251-5
Nathan Scharr-Weiner '25 *6-10
*14WaylandWayland High School131Felix Zapf '25
Wayland VarsityJohn Bennett '24
*15Beaver Country DayBeaver Country Day School131Audrey Youngen '231-5
Madelyn Bell '266-10
BeaversReese Shoettle '241-5
Charlotte (Onyx) Lacey '256-10
16CommonwealthCommonwealth School143Moses Frumkin '23
MermaidsNiall Powers-Ozyhurt '23
*Number of high-place (6) finishes

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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