420 B - 2024 Zimba MBL Championship

Scores for Division A

1WinchesterWinchester High School16Ashton Marnik '26
SachemsAudra Murray '24
*2WellesleyWellesley High School22Kaitlin Hynes '25
VarsityBrady Welburn '24
*3Boston LatinBoston Latin School22Dory Russell '24
WolfpackKristina Kenneally '27 *
4Unregistered-NESSAUnregistered-NESSA32Abe Lincoln '26 *
MBL 1Abigail Weekly '27 *
*5DuxburyDuxbury High School33Abigail Weekly '25
DragonsAnya Schabort '26
*6SharonSharon High School33Daniel Lu '24
EaglesAlex Ng '27
7Belmont HillBelmont Hill School35Alexander Lo '23
VarsityBrendan Kilpatrick '25
8Manchester/Essex RegManchester/Essex RHS38Nicholas Bock '27
HornetsGrey Brooks '27
9BrooklineBrookline High39Zachary Lieberman-Wingerter '26
WarriorsAarav Jadhav '26
10Beaver Country DayBeaver Country Day School40Elinor Grant '27
BeaversCharlotte (Onyx) Lacey '25
11The WinsorThe Winsor School44Kimberly Nguyen '25
Winsor WildcatsDeedee Ansari '24
12Unregistered-NESSAUnregistered-NESSA62Abe Lincoln '26 *
MBL 4Abigail Weekly '27 *
13BB&NBB&N - Buckingham Browne and Nichols68Caroline Jiang '24
KnightsKatelyn Zhu '24
14Unregistered-NESSAUnregistered-NESSA69Abe Lincoln '26 *
MBL 3Abigail Weekly '27 *
15HinghamHingham High School70Jessica Scipione '27
HarborwomenLiv Tennnebo '27
16NatickNatick High School80Harper McCarthy '24
RedhawksMadeline Disel '24
17Unregistered-NESSAUnregistered-NESSA83Ben Cadoo '25 *
MBL 2Harper Rowse-Garsoe '27 *
18Landmark School84Cameron Luck '24
VikingsRowan Henkes '24
19QuincyQuincy High School89Alexandra Demopoulos '26
PresidentsBrooklyn Geary '24
20CommonwealthCommonwealth School91Aditya Anand '26
MermaidsAnna Lu '26
21Cambridge R&LCambridge R&L School110emi rodes '24 *
Falconsgeoffrey belich '25 *
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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