CYC 2024 MISSA Icebreaker

Scores for Division A

1Lake ForestLake Forest High School40Owen Kohut '25
Scouts 1Mary Carter '24
2Walter Payton CollegWalter Payton College Preparatory High School41Deana Fedulova '24
GrizzliesMatthew Pfeiffer '251-2,9-11
Juliette Latva '253-8
3Lake ForestLake Forest High School49Charlie Gish '24
Scouts 2Maddie Rode '26
4Jones College PrepJones College Prep55Nissa Berman '26
Eagles 1Orla Gilroy '25
5Jones College PrepJones College Prep70Grace Renz '26
Eagles 2Damian Amoruso '26
6St. Ignatius (IL)Saint Ignatius College Prep, Chicago, IL82Sofia Sandoval '25
WolfpackFinn Connolly '26
7New Trier HSNew Trier HS89Aiala Angueira Salbidegoitia '26
Trevian 1Lucy Elvart '24
8Evanston Township HSEvanston Township HS90Eva DeCastro '24
WildkitsHarper Jamison '24
9Latin  of ChicagoLatin School of Chicago94Oliver Gray '251-2,10-11
Adler Lafayette '283-91
RomansAlexander Stamos '271-2,10-11
Ophelia Sheridan '283-9
*10New Trier HSNew Trier HS95Nathan Finkelstein '26
Trevian 2David Szymanski '241
Bennett Waters '262-11
*11U Chicago LaboratoryUniversity of Chicago Laboratory Schools95Cruise Lickerman '261-8
Jack Colyer '259-11
MaroonsSimon Vaang '271-8
Ray Han '269-11
12Loyola AcademyLoyola Academy114Adler Johnston '27
RamblersMolly Fitzsimmons '25
13Glenbrook SouthGlenbrook South High School123Watson Conant '26
TitansOlivia Chigas '241-2,10-11
Harrison Cartwright '263-9
14Lane Tech College PrLane Tech College Prep136Elliot Yoder '25
VarsityNolan Foley '25 *
15Whitney YoungWhitney Young140Tomas Nakamura '26
DolphinsIsabella Ruffini '26
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
1Lycee Francais Chi sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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