Milton Academy JV Fleet Race

Scores for Division A

1St. George'sSt. George's School6Amelon Rule '26
DragonsJane Marvin '24
2Cape Cod AcademyCape Cod Academy22Laine Jasen '28
SeahawksChloe Donavan '28
3Tabor AcademyTabor Academy29Leo Somma '27
Seawolves 2Eric Zhai '26
4WellesleyWellesley High School32Syd Vecchiotti '251-2,5-6
Sophie Balter '243-4
Varsity 2Annie Ward '251-2,5-6
Nate Blackett '243-4
5WellesleyWellesley High School33Isabelle de Fontaine '24
Varsity 1Colin Byrne '24
6Tabor AcademyTabor Academy34Silvia Thompson '26
Seawolves 1Kay Wetmore '27
7Old Rochester RHSOld Rochester RHS37Elijah Patnaude '28
BulldogsAndrew Kennefick '27
8SharonSharon High School39Sage Kamocsay '25
Varsity 1Sanjana Jadhav '25
9Milton AcademyMilton Academy44Molly O'Brien '26
MustangsAbhiram Tejomurtula '251-2
Juniper Brewster '253-6
10SharonSharon High School57Nathan Pitha '271-2,5-6
Rachel Wen '273-4
Varsity 2Josh Raikman '271-2,5-6
Ewan Zhang '272-4
11Boston CollegeBoston College High School68Jack Anderson '27
EaglesNoah Ferguson '27
12GuilfordGuilford High School77No show
GrizzliesNo show

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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