NESSA Herreshoff Qualifier - Groton, CT

Scores for Division A

1Fairfield LudloweFairfield Ludlowe High School20Amelia Woodworth '27
FalconsIsabella Brenner '24
2Greenwich AcademyGreenwich Academy27Helena Borcherding '261-4
Lillie Foster '255-8
VarsitySaanvi Gupta '25
3Greens Farms AcademyGreens Farms Academy29Ava Stevens '24
DragonsCaroline Collins '26
4Marthas Vineyard RegMarthas Vineyard RHS30Lyla Solway '24
VineyardersPickle Eville '26
5The HotchkissThe Hotchkiss School39Charlotte Cundey '26
BearcatsEmily Cho-Sayegh '26
6Greenwich Country DaGreenwich Country Day School44Mary Chickering '27
TigersSkylar Dreas '26
7LincolnLincoln School50Olivia Vincent '24
LynxesGeorgiana Fischer '241-2
Maya Longo '253-4
Mia Izzi '265-8
8BranfordBranford High School59Katherine Harmon '25
HornetsElla Ng '251-2
Emilia Jefferies '263-4
Ellie Harmon '275-8
9Moses BrownMoses Brown School62Ivy Dumas '251-4
Marley Mills '245-8
QuakersMarley Mills '241-2
Brooke Kelley '243-4
Ava Belli '245-8
10Pope John Paul II  (St. John Paul II School80No show
LionsNo show

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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