NJISA 2024 Icebreaker Regatta

Scores for Division B

1Seton Hall PrepSeton Hall Preparatory School15Ryan D'Orsi '26
PiratesDean ROMAIN '261-2
Arthur Fok '243-6
2Donovan CatholicDonovan Catholic High School17Liam Marcell '26
Griffins 1Gianna Deresz '271-2,5-6
Richard McGowan '253-4
3Southern RegionalSouthern Regional High School19Jude Ryon '271-2,5-6
Gannon Botwinick '273-4
RamsNoah Tallman '251-4
Belle Placa '255-6
4Christian BrothersChristian Brothers Academy24Jules Buczkowski '26
Colts 1Daniel Stephan '24
5Toms River  SouthToms River South42Rex Salzer '26
IndiansLilly Keenan '27
6Christian BrothersChristian Brothers Academy47Matthew Moses '24
Colts 2Seth Santos '27
7Donovan CatholicDonovan Catholic High School49Cameron Hart '271-2,5-6
Nicole Small '273-4
Griffins 2Nicholas Fatigate '241-2,5-6
Scarlett Colman '263-4
8SummitSummit High School53Michael Creel '25
Hilltoppers 1Elena Carranza '26
9Point Pleasant BeachPoint Pleasant Beach High School59Hudson DePaul '26
Garnett GullsLogan Batyr '25
10SummitSummit High School64Brynn Penque '27
Hilltoppers 2Charlotte Leck '26
11ChathamChatham High School65Noah Lin '271-4
Maddie Field '275-6
Cougars 1Maddie Field '271-4
Cameron Francini '255-6
12Christian BrothersChristian Brothers Academy66Kyle Lombardino '25
Colts 3Alton DeOliveria '261-2,5-6
Erick Shi '243-4
13Trinity HallTrinity Hall71Izzy Bornebusch '25
Monarchs 2Vanessa McCartin '26
14Christian BrothersChristian Brothers Academy77Andrew Dinger '241-2,5-6
Christopher Quincannon '273-4
Colts 4Aidan Kenney '26
15ChathamChatham High School79Cara Lynch '27
Cougars 2Alex Tracy '24
16Trinity HallTrinity Hall86Caroline Duffy '25
Monarchs 1Julianna Walsh '24
17ConestogaConestoga High School95Wyatt Small '25
PioneersAva McAnaney '25
18RidgeRidge High School101Matthew Moschello '26
Red DevilsLeo van der Valk '26

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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