VISA CCS Fleet Regatta 1

Scores for Division A

1Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy6Sean Trudell '24
Bulldogs 1Sabrina Casagrande '25
2ChristchurchChristchurch School10Paul Rodrigues Jr '24
Seahorses 2Adelaide Matzky '25
3ChristchurchChristchurch School12Bo Angus '25
Seahorses 1Bennett Moss '26
4MauryMaury High School15Tucker McGrady '26
Commodores 1Madeline Ballard '25
5Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School18Kiana Beachy '24
OaksTucker Peltier '26
6ChristchurchChristchurch School19Elliott Lipp '26
Seahorses 3Simone Moss '25
7Hampton RoadsHampton Roads Academy24Parker Moore '25
Navigators 1Nicholas Bielewicz '26
8ChristchurchChristchurch School26Nathaniel Bonham '24
Seahorses 4Suzie Nguyen '25
9Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy29James Allgeier '27
Bulldogs 2Jack Poynter '25
10ChristchurchChristchurch School37Gian Bertozzi Castro '25
Seahorses 5Karson Gao '27
11Hampton RoadsHampton Roads Academy39Sarah Moore '29
Navigators 2Daphne Ambrosino '27
*12PoquosonPoquoson High School42Cam Brewer '24
IslandersCate Rutter '24
*13KecoughtanKecoughtan High School42Chloe Anderson '24
WarriorsCaleb Kyle '25
14YorkYork High School43Liam Burke '27
FalconsTyler Compton '29
15The HagueThe Hague School48Nicholas Davis '24
TritonsNathan Libby '26
16MauryMaury High School51Gabby Cloe '24
Commodores 2Annika Fox '27
17Heritage High School - VA53Angelo Bellecci '25
Heritage - VAChase Young '281
18Frank W. CoxFrank W. Cox High School54Olivia Jensen '27
FalconsAshlynn Kopaskey '25
*Number of high-place (10) finishes
1Bethel sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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