2024-25 PCISA SoCal 5 Gold

Scores for Division A

1Point LomaPoint Loma High School24Ryan Downey '25
Pointers 1Naya McLaughlin '26
2Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School32Mesa Uliasz '281-20
Sea Kings 1Kyren Shirar '281-20
3Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School78Claire Suplizio '281-20
Sea Kings 4Camryn Homer '281-20
4Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School80Preston Decker '281-20
Sea Kings 3Molly Torres '281-20
5La JollaLa Jolla High School82Malia Wilke '281-18
VikingsKatie McQuaid '281-18
6Point LomaPoint Loma High School90Aleksandra Strom '27
Pointers 2Victoria Stout '28
7Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School91Will Metzger '281-20
Sea Kings 2Hayden Shirar '281-20
8Newport HarborNewport Harbor High School92Charlie Krause '281-20
Sailors 1Skylar Ullman '29 *1-20
9Cathedral CatholicCathedral Catholic High School104Finn Smith '28
DonsKeris Perry '28
10St. JosephSt. Joseph High School105Elizabeth Nash '28
JestersKaya Gagnon '27
11Mission BayMission Bay High School107Anna Huber '261-10
Buccaneer 1Maeve McGovern '261-10
12JSerra CatholicJSerra Catholic High School118
Lions 1
13Mission BayMission Bay High School125Alexander Martin '281-10
Buccaneer 2Alexander Hafen '281-10
14The Bishop'sBishop's School131Cameron Rosso '271-11
KnightsRowan Harmon '271-11
15JSerra CatholicJSerra Catholic High School143
Lions 2
16Newport HarborNewport Harbor High School145Charles Barto '271-20
Sailors 2Milana Dedriech '281-7
Madison Lebron '28 *8-20
17Newport HarborNewport Harbor High School181Quinten Mahdi '281-20
Sailors 3Gavin Lindsey '29 *1-20
18Coastal AcademyCoastal Academy High School190Aedan Johnson '281-16
StingraysKisa Hilsabeck '271-16

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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