2025 NorCal #6 SILVER

Scores for Division A

*1MontereyMonterey High School26Rosemary Savukinas '28
Toreadores 2Charlotte Tilp '26
*2AcalanesAcalanes High School26Kaivo Kadai '251-6
DonsStella Chua '271-61
3BerkeleyBerkeley High School33Owen Alper '261-6
Yellowjackets 2Emilio Bottrell-Rogers '271-6
4TamalpaisTamalpais High School40Vaugn Neumann '27
Red Tailed Hawks 2Stewart Walker '271-2,5-7
Ethan Shaffer '283-4
5StevensonStevenson School48Nate Burgstone '28
Pirates 2Marc Cheung '28
*6CampolindoCampolindo High School57Kieran Whittome '271-6
CougarsLeela Cargain '291-6
*7StevensonStevenson School57Tommy O'Hara '29
Pirates 1Ryan Ferguson '28
8San DomenicoSan Domenico High School66Dylan Song '25
PanthersZach Mar-Elia '27
9MontereyMonterey High School75Dillan Spence '272
Toreadores 1Matthew Hollins '28
10BerkeleyBerkeley High School81Penelope Kershaw '261-6
Yellowjackets 1Lila Rodet '271-6
11RedwoodRedwood High School82Luke Pialloux '281,4
Jackson Kurtowicz '282-3,5-6
GiantsJackson Kurtowicz '281,4
Luke Pialloux '282-3,5-6
12EncinalEncinal High School86Lucie Harriet '291-6
Jets 2Cyrus Estilaei '271-6
*13St. Ignatius CollegeSt. Ignatius College Prep - San Francisco93Dimitri Dimitrov '27
WildcatsLauren Yu '27
*14TamalpaisTamalpais High School93Gideon Palestrant '27
Red Tailed Hawks 1Flynn Rossington '271-2,7
John Donahue '283-4
Zealand Lie '286
15Marin AcademyMarin Academy97
16AlbanyAlbany High School (CA)103
17Design TechDesign Tech High School106Lorelai Hartman '25
Dragons 2Mackenzie Chan '25
18Marin CatholicMarin Catholic110Stella Ward Turko '27
WildcatsNils Krueger '281-2,5-6
Logan Purcell '283-4,7
19EncinalEncinal High School113Grace Harriet '271-6
Jets 1Jack Sheets '281-6
20Design TechDesign Tech High School119Mason McHale '27
Dragons 1Avery Brottem '28
21St Mary's CollegeSaint Mary's (Berkeley, CA)143Finn Mutrux '261-6
VarsityShai Osorio '251-6
22EncinalEncinal High School147Ava Estilaei '271-6
Jets 3Katie Koh '271-63
23The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco168JT Scott '281-6
BreakersAsher Ellis '271-6
24Pacific GrovePacific Grove High School175No show
BreakersNo show
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
1The College Preparat sailor
2Stevenson sailor
3Head Royce sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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