NYISA-SE LYC Spring Invite


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 2 races, and when switching divisions.

A Division

Kellenberg Memorial Kellenberg Memorial 11144881111
Kellenberg Memorial Kellenberg Memorial 22255101011
MamaroneckMamaroneck Tigers 14488111122
MamaroneckMamaroneck Tigers 25510101144
RyeRye Garnets8811112255
The Stony BrookThe Stony Brook Bears 11010114488
The Stony BrookThe Stony Brook Bears 2111122551010

B Division

Kellenberg Memorial Kellenberg Memorial 12255101011
Kellenberg Memorial Kellenberg Memorial 24488111122
MamaroneckMamaroneck Tigers 15510101144
MamaroneckMamaroneck Tigers 28811112255
RyeRye Garnets1010114488
The Stony BrookThe Stony Brook Bears 1111122551010
The Stony BrookThe Stony Brook Bears 21144881111