MDISA DC Sail T1 Fleet Race

Scores for Division A

1Archbishop SpaldingArchbishop Spalding11Charles Geraghty '26
CavaliersChristina Pierce '25
2Henderson High School14Drew DeFonzo '26
WarriorsMaggie DeFonzo '26
*3SevernSevern School15Ashton Perkins '28
AdmiralsMaura McPartlin '25
*4The GunstonGunston15Tommy McGeady '25
HeronsCaroline Thomas '26
5Great MillsGreat Mills High School17Claire Sullivan '25
HornetsAdam Nilsson '251
Owen Delwiche '252-4
6Kent IslandKent Island High School23James Biles '27
BuccaneersLucia Zaklin '271-2
Viana Johnston '283-4
7The Tome School26Victor Schlecker '26
TitansAbigayle Wyman '25
8Leonardtown HighLeonardtown High School30Will Clay '25
RaidersCatherine Hicks '28
9SouthernSouthern High School36Maggie Dowling '27
BulldogsMolly Dowling '25
10South RiverSouth River High School43Clara Neeland '26
SeahawksAnnika Fisher '25
11BroadneckBroadneck High School47Abigail Burritt '25
BruinsElla Chasse '27
12Walt WhitmanWalt Whitman High School48Amelia Wire '27
VikingsAbigail Dickey '26
13Montgomery BlairMontgomery Blair High School49Georgia Neaderland '261
BlazersKara Panjrath '262
14St. Mary's RykenSt. Mary's Ryken50Grace Wilcox '261-2
Michael Groat '273-4
KnightsMichael Groat '271-2
Grace Wilcox '263-4
15Patuxent56Nolan Wingate '28
PanthersLayken Therres '29 *
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
1St. Stephens St. Agn sailor
2Jackson-Reed sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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