MDISA DC Sail T1 Fleet Race

Scores for Division B

1Great MillsGreat Mills High School8Adam Nilsson '25
HornetsEliza Szymendera '25
2SevernSevern School14Natalie Gaver '28
AdmiralsParker LeFever-Farino '28
*3The GunstonGunston19Andrew Shingledecker '27
HeronsPreston Allen '271-2
Kate Doffermyre '283-4
*4Archbishop SpaldingArchbishop Spalding19Mary Hayes Cobbum '27
CavaliersMaggie McInerney '25
**5Patuxent24Thomas Birchfield '27
PanthersJekari Mason '29 *
**6South RiverSouth River High School24Hayden Medick '261-2
Fiona O'Rourke '283-4
SeahawksMatthew Treatman-Clark '271-2
Cameron Love '273-4
7Leonardtown HighLeonardtown High School30Charlie Bates '26
RaidersSam Glauner '27
8Walt WhitmanWalt Whitman High School33Shane Churilla '25
VikingsRicardo Shayer '25
9Kent IslandKent Island High School36Zachary Wells '25
BuccaneersSam Wells '271-2
Adalyn Biles '273-4
10BroadneckBroadneck High School37Skyler Krinetz '25
BruinsJames O'Leary '25
11The Tome School42Nathaniel Wyman '28
TitansEmerson Stehl '26
12Henderson High School43Peter Mazzagatti '26
WarriorsAshton Becker '27
13Montgomery BlairMontgomery Blair High School48Erez Engler '251
BlazersMin Chi Chao '27
14SouthernSouthern High School49Nola Primeaux '25
BulldogsCarter Steiert '271-2
Sarah Ramson '273-4
15St. Mary's RykenSt. Mary's Ryken54Leo Xiang '251,4
KnightsLogan Pavis '261-2
Michael Finarelli '253-4
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
**Number of high-place (3) finishes
1Winston Churchill sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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