2025 NorCal #5 GOLD

Scores for Division A

*1RedwoodRedwood High School33Nathan Posard '25
GiantsZara Pavelka '26
*2AlamedaAlameda High School33Chase Carson '25
Hornets 3Sabine Lee '25
3The Bay  of San FranThe Bay School of San Francisco53Gus Gossett '27
BreakersMila Kane '251
4StevensonStevenson School54Patrick O'Hara '271-6
PiratesClaire Lee '261-6
5Junipero Serra High School57Francisco Dias '281-6
JSerraLuca Mejia-Young '281-6
6Mountain View High School (CA)73Liberty Evans '261-6
Mountain ViewAdrian Maciuca '251-6
7St. Joseph Notre DamSt. Joseph Notre Dame HS - Alameda, CA80Melina Ahrens '27
St Joseph Notre Dame 2Ella Schwartz '27
8Burlingame High School81Finn Hayes '261-6
BurlingameScarlett Bounds '261-6
9St Mary's CollegeSaint Mary's (Berkeley, CA)83Shea Baggeroer '27
VarsitySebastian Barker '27
10Oakland TechnicalOakland Technical High School91Garrett Connorton '27
Oakland Tech 1Teagan Ezakovich '271-3
William Delaney '284-8
11Archbishop RiordanArchbishop Riordan93Nolan Balocki '27
Crusaders 1Kaia Burris '27
12CarmelCarmel High School96June Emerson '271-7
Padres 1Lyric Gomez '281-7
13CarlmontCarlmont100Carter Newhauser '281-6
The ScotsLily Stutzin '261-6
14AlamedaAlameda High School101Reid Sojka '26
Hornets 1Ava Estilaei '272
15AlamedaAlameda High School103Joby Overton '26
Hornets 2Aubrie Grimes '26
16Palo Alto HighPalo Alto High105Maxwell Akash ("Kashi") Tuteja '251-6
VikingsLiselle Yoo '281-6
17St. Francis HS - Mountain View, CA116Selah Dorn '251-6
VarsitySarah Garcia '251-6
18The UrbanThe Urban School119Henry Scalise '26
BluesAdabella London '281-4,7-8
Paloma Seligman '285-6
19Oakland TechnicalOakland Technical High School125Hera Handy-Madsen '27
Oakland Tech 2Tenzin Pahl '27
20San DomenicoSan Domenico High School134Seamus Crain '261-6
PanthersXander Helming '261-6
21St. Joseph Notre DamSt. Joseph Notre Dame HS - Alameda, CA150Amanda Wheeler '25
St Joseph Notre Dame 1Reuben Butt '271-3
Tyrus Hall '274-8
22Crystal Springs UplaCrystal Springs Uplands School158Sofia Dias '281-6
GryphonsOlivia Feng '271-6
**23Archbishop RiordanArchbishop Riordan200
Crusaders 2
**24CarmelCarmel High School200No show1-7
Padres 2No show1-7
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
1Convent & Stuart sailor
2Encinal sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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