NWISA Gold Ranking Regatta #2

Scores for Division B

1BallardBallard High School16Isadora Ford '27
BeaversNinon Petitpierre '28
2IngrahamIngraham High School21Max Hanson '25
RamsMaddie Howell '25
3Gig HarborGig Harbor High School31Finn Deprez '25
TidesNate Dietrich '261-6
Cameron Siegert '287-8
4BainbridgeBainbridge High School44Stone Dewey '261-2,5-6
Nelson Dorsey '263-4,7-8
SpartansHolden Goodham '261-2,5-6
Beckett Ladenburg '273-4,7-8
5AnacortesAnacortes High School57Aeden Peterson '251-4,7-8
Will Peters '255-6
SeahawksWill Peters '251-2,7-8
Will Prewitt '273-6
6BellarmineBellarmine Preparatory School63Hannah Welch '251-2,7-8
Genie Greenfield '263-6
LionsAnnalise Landy '271-2,7-8
Hannah Welch '253-4
Aspen Merrill '255-6
7RooseveltRoosevelt High School66Ethan Lee '281-2,5-6
Hannah Shorr '263-4,7-8
Rough RidersWilliam Layton '25
8OlympiaOlympia High School71Liam Power '25
BearsCaleigh Mingay '25
9The DowntownThe Downtown School74Evan Yeung '27
Sockeye SalmonPhoebe Karp '26
10LakesideLakeside School85Emil Damji '25
LionsAnna Cezik '26
11Spring Street International School93Matilda Twigg '25
GreenDenali Sommer '281-2,7-8
Theo Sommer '263-6
12BellinghamBellingham High School97Avery O'Donnell '26
BayhawksErrol Noet '27
13Lincoln ORLincoln High School (OR)99Trinity Ashton '28
CardinalsSuyana Henderson Resendiz '27
14Jesuit High School (OR)100Daphne Schmidt '27
Jesuit (OR)Tristan Ashton '27
15KingstonKingston High School104Shelby Chandler '25
KrakenCharlie Svardh '251-4
Ana Villa '255-8
16SehomeSehome High School105Hans Vondrell '26
MarinersOz Resnick '25
17Port AngelesPort Angeles High School114Andrew Corson '25
RoughridersBenedict Davids '27
18Oak HarborOak Harbor High School130Dominic Schinning '25
WildcatsAnika Nienhuis '28

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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