NWISA Silver Ranking Regatta #2

Scores for Division B

1BainbridgeBainbridge High School13Cyrus Yan '261-9
Spartans 1Atlas Montgomery '271-3
Gabrielle Jelic '274-9
2Lakeridge High School (OR)17Oliver Fogarty '251
Lake RidgeEleanor Crandall '25
3Gig HarborGig Harbor High School59Charlie Yando '28
TidesAiden Spiker '29
4BainbridgeBainbridge High School61Gretchen Fiscus '261-6
Ella Baker '277-9
Spartans 2Ella Baker '271-6
Gretchen Fiscus '267-9
5WilsonIda B. Wells (OR)63Alex Tharp '262
TrojansAdrian Carlson '252
6Portland Waldorf School (OR)68Griffin Adams '26
Portland Waldorf (OZack Jordan '253
7Central KitsapCentral Kitsap High School72Maya Zander '261-2
Avery Lawley '2534
Lucas Burbank '264-5,9
Liem Webb Magallanez '276,85
CougarsAvery Lawley '251-24
Maya Zander '263
Liem Webb Magallanez '274-5,95
Lucas Burbank '266,8
8BellarmineBellarmine Preparatory School74Wesley Wysham '286
LionsAllison Stewart '26 *
9North KitsapNorth Kitsap High School78Victor Gehring '261-37
Ian Anthony '274,6,8
Kaisen Olkonen '275,7,95
DogfishSadie Evans '271-2
Liem Webb Magallanez '2735
Kaisen Olkonen '274,6,85
Ian Anthony '275,7,9
10RooseveltRoosevelt High School79Hao-ran Hsu '27 *
Rough RidersRowan Fisher '28
11Hood River ValleyHood River Valley High School83Claire Couvreux '281-98
Eagles 1Eda O'Connor '281-98
12OlympicOlympic High School (WA)104Ellyaena Jackson '281-36
Avery Lawley '254-94
TrojansGracie Yeadon '271-3
John Tabone '284-99
13BainbridgeBainbridge High School113Jules Dewey '29 *1-9
Spartans 3Elijah Owen '281-3
Riley Wert '284-9
14Oak HarborOak Harbor High School128Chase Johnson '2710
WildcatsOssian Merkel '29
15Hood River ValleyHood River Valley High School129Green Sutton '281-9
Eagles 2Noah Sanford '29 *1-9
16AnacortesAnacortes High School133Lucas Vanasse '28
SeahawksLucas Cornelius '251-2
Chase Johnson '273-9
17Friday HarborFriday Harbor High School149
18SqualicumSqualicum High School152Marin Hatch '28 *
StormAiofe Tamminga '27 *11
19CapitalCapital High School155
20Port AngelesPort Angeles High School160William Weidenhoeft '28
RoughridersSophia Schiess '26
1Benson Polytechnic sailor
2Franklin sailor
3West Linn High sailor
4Klahowya Secondary sailor
5Olympic sailor
6Gig Harbor sailor
7Bremerton sailor
8Columbia - WA sailor
9Aquinas Classical Ac sailor
10Anacortes sailor
11Sehome sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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