PCISA Gaucho Regatta - Silver

Scores for Division A

1Laguna BlancaLaguna Blanca School28Emma Edwards '28
VarsitySavannah Zollett '29
2San DomenicoSan Domenico High School33Merritt Sellers '26
PanthersCara Parks '27
3Coastal AcademyCoastal Academy High School34Alex Fisher '27
StingraysKisa Hilsabeck '271-4
Caleb Winn '265-7
4San Pedro High School49Gwen Hildebrand '25
PiratesIliana Hernandez '27
5The Bishop'sBishop's School55Celeste Oder '26
KnightsNico Bravo '28
*6Pacific Palisades ChPacific Palisades Charter High School67Oliver '27
Pacific Palisades ChRaphael Einzig '28
*7Archbishop RiordanArchbishop Riordan67Nolan Balocki '27
CrusadersJai Walthew '271-6
Milo Sperry '2571
8CarlmontCarlmont69Carter Newhauser '28
The ScotsLily Stutzin '26
9Mountain View High School (CA)76Liberty Evans '26
Mountain ViewAdrian Maciuca '25
10CoronadoCoronado Islanders78Trey Gregory '261-4,7
Zak Stone '275-6
IslandersQuinn Reibe '261-4,7
William Bosworth '275-6
11La JollaLa Jolla High School79Malia Wilke '28
VikingsKatie McQuaid '281-2
Trevor Dunklee '263-7
12MontereyMonterey High School81June Emerson '272
ToreadoresGia Smith '28
13St. John BoscoSt. John Bosco High SchoolMRP88Jack Snow '25
BravesTanner Swagger '26
14LoyolaLoyola High School (CA)95Luke Ondrey '25
CubsGus Drynan '27
15Pacific CollegiatePacific Collegiate School96Garrett Koontz '26
VarsityYasmine Crum '253
16RedwoodRedwood High School99Whitney Feagin '27
GiantsLuke Pialloux '28
17Mission BayMission Bay High School108Anna Huber '26
BuccaneerMaeve McGovern '26
18Design TechDesign Tech High School110Will Kizer '25
DragonsRashid Gaber '28
19Sato Academy of MathSato Academy of Mathematics and Science112Jessica Green '25
DragonsAsher Liebgold '261-2,5-7
Elijah Soussan '263-4
20St. JosephSt. Joseph High SchoolMRP125Elizabeth Nash '28
JestersKaya Gagnon '27
21Redondo UnionRedondo Union High School136Alden Snyder '271-2,5-6
Dylhan Bajaj '283-4,7
Sea HawksMeliah Medeiros '281-2,5-6
Indi Essmiller '273,7
Maya Cortez '284
22BerkeleyBerkeley High School152Jesse Rushing '28
Yellowjacketscecilia de la Torre '26
23Torrey PinesTorrey Pines High SchoolMRP156
Falcons 1
24Marin CatholicMarin Catholic164Charlie Cain '25
WildcatsClaire Cochran '271-2,4,7
Amelia Werstler '263,5-6
25EncinalEncinal High School165Grace Harriet '27
JetsJack Sheets '28
26Marin AcademyMarin Academy170Colin Holzwarth '25
WildcatsWilliam Larson '251-2,5-7
Leo Loft '253-4
27Torrey PinesTorrey Pines High SchoolMRP181
Falcons 2
28Pacific GrovePacific Grove High School186Edward Shelton '27
BreakersMilo Bingham '27
29CarmelCarmel High School198River Mello '28
PadresLiam Stafford '28
30Del Norte High SchoolMRP218
Del Norte
*Head-to-head tiebreaker
1The Bay of San Fran sailor
2Carmel sailor
3Willow Glen sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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