SAISA North Points 7 Varsity

Scores for Division B

1Porter-GaudPorter-Gaud School20Thomas Weil '271-8
CyclonesHarry Goldberg '261-8
2WandoWando High School27Lilianna Harris '271-7
WarriorsCaroline Larrabee '251-4
Stella Fletcher '275-7
3New Bern High School29Graham Foster '26
NB Bears SailingMaegon Voegtlin '25
4Episcopal  of JacksoEpiscopal School of Jacksonville31Stella Herford '26
ESJJulia Dinzelbacher '25
5James Island CharterJames Island Charter High School40Noah Dailey '27
VarsityGeorgia Montgomery '26
6John T. HoggardJohn T. Hoggard High School41Emmy Teer '25
Vikings VarsityLawson Kievit '27
7Hough HSHough High School44Camden Cockrill '28
HuskiesBrinley DeAtley '28
8Eugene AshleyEugene Ashley High School47Ryden Jarvis '27
Screaming EaglesCarter Finger '27
9Pine Lake PrepPine Lake Prep52Grant Gerst '27
VarsityWesley Bassett '28
10WaccamawWaccamaw High School72Dominic Yanez '261-8
Waccamaw WarriorsLiam Crosby '281-2,5-6
Collin Nalley '253-4
Elise Wahl '257-8
11Lake NormanLake Norman High School74Allison Campbell '281-4
Brooks Fausett '265-8
WildcatsBrooks Fausett '261-4
Allison Campbell '285-6
Cole Majocha '277-8

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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