VISA CCS Fleet Regatta 1

Scores for Division B

1Hampton RoadsHampton Roads Academy25Leila Pfrang '25
Navigators 1Josie Brindley '261-3
Patrick Bielewicz '284-10
2ChristchurchChristchurch School43Madeline Janzen '25
Seahorses 1Chloe Shurr '25
3ChristchurchChristchurch School46Aaron Griffith '27
Seahorses 3Cherry Phan '25
4ChristchurchChristchurch School50Elliott Lipp '26
Seahorses 2Suzie Nguyen '25
5Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School59Alex Salzberg '25
Oaks 1Michael Wattenbarger '27
6Hampton RoadsHampton Roads Academy68Will Chapman '28
Navigators 2Madeline Monteith '29
7YorkYork High School86Grayson Kelley '27
FalconsDylan Thomas '28
8Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy99Margaret Poston '281-6
Vera Hartz '267-10
Bulldogs 2Will Poynter '271-2
David Martin '263-10
9Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy103Eliana Mopper '261-3,6-10
Jack Poynter '254-5
Bulldogs 1Anna Iacobucci '25
10ChristchurchChristchurch School109Brooke Mertz '26
Seahorses 5Carlos Ruiz Ibanez '27
11MauryMaury High SchoolMRP133Lillian Rippel '251-10
Commodores 1Annika Fox '271-10
12Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School135Anna Lenox '28
Oaks 2Finian Bohan '27
13KecoughtanKecoughtan High School145Caleb Kyle '251-10
WarriorsChase Young '281-101
14Heritage High School - VA156Angelo Bellecci '251-10
Heritage - VAPiper Cartwright '271-102
15PoquosonPoquoson High School157Brett Clemmey '271-5
Jack Raymond '276-10
IslandersEvan Stillion '27 *1-2,6-10
Jack Raymond '273-5
16ChristchurchChristchurch School181Malia Deane '25
Seahorses 4Graham Friesner '25
17MauryMaury High SchoolMRP189Elias Bowes '27
Commodores 2Genevieve Collett '251-3
Ryan Mouak '284-5
Unreported Sailor 1 '15 *6-10
18ChristchurchChristchurch School191Kaia Deane '28
Seahorses 6Olivia Wolff '27
19The HagueThe Hague SchoolMRP202Caspian Collett '251-103
TritonsAiden Dillon '281-5
Ryan Mouak '286-103
1Phoebus sailor
2Hampton sailor
3Maury sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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