Anteater Regatta - Gold Fleet


Saturday, November 8:

Lights winds plagued the race course. The RC was only able to complete 1 set.

Sunday, November 9:

Great weekend in Southern California. Light and variable winds from the S-SW.

Score summary

1Newport HarborVarsity281139
2Point LomaPointers JV401757
3Point LomaPointers Varsity362359
4Corona del MarSea Kings Varsity503989
5Long Beach WilsonVarsity425092
6Newport HarborJV1534093
7Sage HillVarsity5168119
8Francis ParkerVarsity6557122
10Cathedral CatholicVarsity8156137
12Corona del MarJV17698174
13Santa BarbaraVarsity10868176
14Mira CostaVarsity93103196
15Redondo UnionVarsity10198199
*16The BransonVarsity101113214
18Marin AcademyVarsity82135217
20The BishopsVarsity107116223
22The UrbanVarsity89155244
23The Bay  of San FranVarsity122123245
24Mater DeiVarsity15499253
25Sage HillJV1151104255
26Convent & StuartVarsity149111260
27Long Beach PolytechnVarsity136141277
29Cathedral CatholicJV1141154295
30The AthenianOwls148174322
*Number of high-place (9) finishes

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated. Note that the races are ordered by number, then division, which may not represent the order in which the races were actually sailed.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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