2017-18 PCISA SoCal 1 Silver

Scores for Division A

1PV PeninsulaPalos Verdes Peninsula High School10Daren Sathasivam '21
Panthers 2Justin Chrien '22
2The Bishop'sBishop's School13Schuyler Capita '21
Knights 2Austin Yang '21
3South TorranceSouth Torrance High School26Emma Tallman '21
SpartansWynslow Wilmot '21
4Mission BayMission Bay High School33Marleigh Henehan '21
BuccaneerAdelaide Cunningham '20
5Palos VerdesPalos Verdes High School39George Soliman '20
Sea Kings 1Sophia Lopez '19
6The Bishop'sBishop's School45Burke Kanemasu '21
Knights 1Ethan Chuang '22
*7Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School49Gordon Withrow '21
Sea Kings 1Ryan Davis '19
*8CoronadoCoronado Islanders49Trey Summers '20
Nado 1Gideon Goodmanson '201,3,5-6
Torben Hoy '202,4
9Sage HillSage Hill School57Joshua Cheadle '19
Lightning 2Koby Twist '21
10Palos VerdesPalos Verdes High School66Justin Zimna '20
Sea Kings 3Emily Collins '19
11Sage HillSage Hill School70Ezugo Ononye '20
Lightning 1Ian Grimm '20
12PV PeninsulaPalos Verdes Peninsula High School76Cyrus Khaleeli '20
Panthers 1Matthew Sun '20
13Palos VerdesPalos Verdes High School79Chris Salas '221
Sea Kings 2Jackson Hoover '201
14San ClementeSan Clemente High School87Hannah Carter '20
Triton 1Teagan Howard '20
**15San ClementeSan Clemente High School97Lily Maranto '18
Triton 2Christopher Mullen '202
**16Sato Academy of MathSato Academy of Mathematics and Science97Nikhil Stewart '21
Sato Dragon XTroy Davidson '20
17Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School100Lucas Wood '20
Sea Kings 2Auriyon Khosravi '21
b18Mira CostaMira Costa High School101Ben Ross '22
MustangsJuliet Gerwin '23
b19Cathedral CatholicCathedral Catholic High School101Jenny Desantis '19
Dons 1Calista Oliveira '19
20Cathedral CatholicCathedral Catholic High School102Kyle Gallagher '19
Dons 2Alexander Woodmansee '20
21CoronadoCoronado Islanders112Mercy Tangredi '21
Nado 2Livi Blair '191,3,5-6
Aidan Sardiello '222,4
22JSerra CatholicJSerra Catholic High School123Connor Presley '19
Lions 3Ian Sysyn '18
23JSerra CatholicJSerra Catholic High School132Deven Douglas '18
Lions 2Gordy Foerstel '20
24JSerra CatholicJSerra Catholic High School137Andrew Domanskis '20
Lions 1Patrick Bayeh '20
*Number of high-place (5) finishes
**Head-to-head tiebreaker
bNumber of high-place (9) finishes
1PV Peninsula sailor
2Saint Margaret's Epi sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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