Caper Classic


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 2 races, and when switching divisions.

A Division

Boothbay RHSBoothbay RHS SeaHawks Gold113355
Cape ElizabethCape Elizabeth Capers 1224466
Cape ElizabethCape Elizabeth Capers 2335577
Champlain VUHSChamplain VUHS Varsity446688
CheverusCheverus Varsity557799
Falmouth  MaineFalmouth Maine Yachtsmen 166881010
Falmouth  MaineFalmouth Maine Yachtsmen 277991111
Greely  - MaineGreely - Maine Rangers8810101212
PortlandPortland Bulldogs99111111
Unregistered-NESSAUnregistered-NESSA Southern Maine1010121222
YarmouthYarmouth Clippers 111111133
YarmouthYarmouth Clippers 212122244

B Division

Boothbay RHSBoothbay RHS SeaHawks Gold224466
Cape ElizabethCape Elizabeth Capers 1335577
Cape ElizabethCape Elizabeth Capers 2446688
Champlain VUHSChamplain VUHS Varsity557799
CheverusCheverus Varsity66881010
Falmouth  MaineFalmouth Maine Yachtsmen 177991111
Falmouth  MaineFalmouth Maine Yachtsmen 28810101212
Greely  - MaineGreely - Maine Rangers99111111
PortlandPortland Bulldogs1010121222
Unregistered-NESSAUnregistered-NESSA Southern Maine11111133
YarmouthYarmouth Clippers 112122244
YarmouthYarmouth Clippers 2113355