PYC Fun Regatta


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 2 races, and when switching divisions.

A Division

Detroit Country DayDetroit Country Day MIXED Blue1133557799111113131515
Detroit Country DayDetroit Country Day MIXED Red2244668810101212141411
Detroit Country DayDetroit Country Day MIXED Gold3355779911111313151522
East Grand RapidsEast Grand Rapids EGR Varsity Gold4466881010121214141133
Grosse IIeGrosse IIe GI Grey - MIXED5577991111131315152244
Grosse IIeGrosse IIe GI White - MIXED6688101012121414113355
Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South Blue7799111113131515224466
Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South Gold8810101212141411335577
Lowell  - MILowell - MI Mixed9911111313151522446688
Mercy  - MIMercy - MI Mixed1010121214141133557799
Put-in-BayPut-in-Bay Mixed111113131515224466881010
Rocky RiverRocky River Varsity1212141411335577991111
Spring LakeSpring Lake Red131315152244668810101212
Toledo Technology AcToledo Technology Ac Mixed1414113355779911111313
West BloomfieldWest Bloomfield WB Green151522446688101012121414

B Division

Detroit Country DayDetroit Country Day MIXED Blue2244668810101212141411
Detroit Country DayDetroit Country Day MIXED Red3355779911111313151522
Detroit Country DayDetroit Country Day MIXED Gold4466881010121214141133
East Grand RapidsEast Grand Rapids EGR Varsity Gold5577991111131315152244
Grosse IIeGrosse IIe GI Grey - MIXED6688101012121414113355
Grosse IIeGrosse IIe GI White - MIXED7799111113131515224466
Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South Blue8810101212141411335577
Grosse Pointe SouthGrosse Pointe South Gold9911111313151522446688
Lowell  - MILowell - MI Mixed1010121214141133557799
Mercy  - MIMercy - MI Mixed111113131515224466881010
Put-in-BayPut-in-Bay Mixed1212141411335577991111
Rocky RiverRocky River Varsity131315152244668810101212
Spring LakeSpring Lake Red1414113355779911111313
Toledo Technology AcToledo Technology Ac Mixed151522446688101012121414
West BloomfieldWest Bloomfield WB Green1133557799111113131515