Ranger Rally


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 2 races, and when switching divisions.

A Division

Boothbay RHSBoothbay RHS SeaHawks Gold11335577
Cape ElizabethCape Elizabeth Capers22446688
Champlain VUHSChamplain VUHS Varsity33557799
CheverusCheverus Varsity4466881010
Falmouth  MaineFalmouth Maine Yachtsmen 15577991111
Falmouth  MaineFalmouth Maine Yachtsmen 2668810101212
Greely  - MaineGreely - Maine Rangers 1779911111313
Greely  - MaineGreely - Maine Rangers 288101012121414
PortlandPortland Bulldogs991111131311
PortlandPortland Bullpups10101212141422
Unregistered-NESSAUnregistered-NESSA Southern Maine111113131133
Unregistered-NESSAUnregistered-NESSA Northern VT121214142244
YarmouthYarmouth Clippers 11313113355
YarmouthYarmouth Clippers 21414224466

B Division

Boothbay RHSBoothbay RHS SeaHawks Gold22446688
Cape ElizabethCape Elizabeth Capers33557799
Champlain VUHSChamplain VUHS Varsity4466881010
CheverusCheverus Varsity5577991111
Falmouth  MaineFalmouth Maine Yachtsmen 1668810101212
Falmouth  MaineFalmouth Maine Yachtsmen 2779911111313
Greely  - MaineGreely - Maine Rangers 188101012121414
Greely  - MaineGreely - Maine Rangers 2991111131311
PortlandPortland Bulldogs10101212141422
PortlandPortland Bullpups111113131133
Unregistered-NESSAUnregistered-NESSA Southern Maine121214142244
Unregistered-NESSAUnregistered-NESSA Northern VT1313113355
YarmouthYarmouth Clippers 11414224466
YarmouthYarmouth Clippers 211335577