Foundry Fall #2


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 2 races, and when switching divisions.

A Division

BayBay Varsity 1113355
BayBay Varsity 2224466
Cranbrook KingswoodCranbrook Kingswood Blue335577
Cranbrook KingswoodCranbrook Kingswood Green446688
Grosse IIeGrosse IIe Grosse Ile - Scarlet557799
Grosse IIeGrosse IIe GI Grey - MIXED66881010
Grosse IIeGrosse IIe GI White - MIXED77991111
New AlbanyNew Albany Eagles8810101212
Olentangy LibertyOlentangy Liberty Patriots9911111313
Put-in-BayPut-in-Bay Panthers101012121414
Rocky RiverRocky River Varsity111113131515
Saint Joseph AcademySaint Joseph Academy Mixed121214141616
St. Ignatius (OH)St. Ignatius (OH) Wildcats 1131315151717
St. Ignatius (OH)St. Ignatius (OH) Wildcats 2141416161818
Toledo Technology AcToledo Technology Ac Tigers1515171711
Westerville NorthWesterville North Varsity1616181822
Westerville SouthWesterville South Wildcats17171133
Worthington KilbournWorthington Kilbourn Wolf Pack18182244

B Division

BayBay Varsity 1224466
BayBay Varsity 2335577
Cranbrook KingswoodCranbrook Kingswood Blue446688
Cranbrook KingswoodCranbrook Kingswood Green557799
Grosse IIeGrosse IIe Grosse Ile - Scarlet66881010
Grosse IIeGrosse IIe GI Grey - MIXED77991111
Grosse IIeGrosse IIe GI White - MIXED8810101212
New AlbanyNew Albany Eagles9911111313
Olentangy LibertyOlentangy Liberty Patriots101012121414
Put-in-BayPut-in-Bay Panthers111113131515
Rocky RiverRocky River Varsity121214141616
Saint Joseph AcademySaint Joseph Academy Mixed131315151717
St. Ignatius (OH)St. Ignatius (OH) Wildcats 1141416161818
St. Ignatius (OH)St. Ignatius (OH) Wildcats 21515171711
Toledo Technology AcToledo Technology Ac Tigers1616181822
Westerville NorthWesterville North Varsity17171133
Westerville SouthWesterville South Wildcats18182244
Worthington KilbournWorthington Kilbourn Wolf Pack113355