2021-22 PCISA SoCal 3 Silver

Scores for Division A

1South TorranceSouth Torrance High School12Joaquin DesRochers '25
SpartansKayla Spalding '241
2Los AlamitosLos Alamitos High School16Cameron Farmer '25
GriffinsJP Panebianco '26
3San Pedro High School27Gwen Hildebrand '25
PiratesNicholas Parsnik '26
4The Bishop'sBishop's School31Celeste Oder '26
KnightsAriana Ludwig '262
5Corona del MarCorona del Mar High School44Ella Andersson '24
Sea KingsJoshua VanWaardenburg '24
6Mira CostaMira Costa High School47Tyler Burks '25
MustangsReese Lieser '253
7PV PeninsulaPalos Verdes Peninsula High School49Sean Choo '23
PanthersNo show
8Torrey PinesTorrey Pines High School52Truman Lazarus '23
FalconsKyra Jacobs '23
9Port of Los AngelesPort of Los Angeles High School55JEON JIWON '22
Polar BearsJackson Burrowes '25
10Palos VerdesPalos Verdes High School57Jason Chan '25 *4
Sea KingsNo show
11La Jolla Country DayLa Jolla Country Day School58Claire Connelly '22
TorreysMatthew Kenville '25
12Mission BayMission Bay High School63Alister Muto '25
Buccaneer 3Eve Brogan '25
13JSerra CatholicJSerra Catholic High School75Bruce Huynh '25
Lions 2Nolan Boesch '23
14Francis ParkerFrancis Parker School78Aristotle van Frank '241-2,5-6
Tyden Chinowsky '253-4
Parker 2No show
15Mission BayMission Bay High School84Adam Hawks '25
Buccaneer 2Paulette Perez '23
16Mission BayMission Bay High School88Riley Paulson '22
Buccaneer 1Stella Rose Santo-Pietro '25
17Francis ParkerFrancis Parker School91Caeden Nodurft '25
Parker 1Tyler Alexander '25
18Mission BayMission Bay High School103Micah Thompson '24
Buccaneer 4Julia Farchon '25
19JSerra CatholicJSerra Catholic High School110Samantha Corliss '24
Lions 1Ryan Schulze '22
1Redondo Union sailor
2La Jolla Country Day sailor
3South Torrance sailor
4PV Peninsula sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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