PYC Halloween #2


Rotate into the next boat in the sequence every 2 races, and when switching divisions.

A Division

BathBath Fighting Bees1133557
Bloomfield HillsBloomfield Hills MIXED Spiders2244668
Brother Rice (MI)Brother Rice (MI) BRM Blue3355779
Culver AcademiesCulver Academies Eagles white44668810
Culver AcademiesCulver Academies Eagles maroon55779911
Culver AcademiesCulver Academies Eagles6688101012
Detroit Country DayDetroit Country Day From DC Dead MIXED7799111113
Detroit Country DayDetroit Country Day Trick or Treats881010121214
East LansingEast Lansing East Lansing MIXED991111131315
East LansingEast Lansing East Lansing HS10101212141416
Everest CollegiateEverest Collegiate MIXED Hallowinners11111313151517
Grosse IIeGrosse IIe GI Warlocks12121414161618
Grosse IIeGrosse IIe Grosse Ile Goblins13131515171719
GrovesGroves Bone Voyage14141616181820
GrovesGroves MIXED Warlocks15151717191921
Mercy  - MIMercy - MI Vampires16161818202022
Pioneer - OH MIXED Hull and Back17171919212123
TroyTroy MIXED OOOOOOOOOO?1818202022221
TroyTroy MIXED vAmps++1919212123232
TroyTroy Blood Types20202222113
TroyTroy MIXED Candy Corn21212323224
West BloomfieldWest Bloomfield MIXED Ghosts222211335
West BloomfieldWest Bloomfield MIXED Goblins232322446

B Division

BathBath Fighting Bees2244668
Bloomfield HillsBloomfield Hills MIXED Spiders3355779
Brother Rice (MI)Brother Rice (MI) BRM Blue44668810
Culver AcademiesCulver Academies Eagles white55779911
Culver AcademiesCulver Academies Eagles maroon6688101012
Culver AcademiesCulver Academies Eagles7799111113
Detroit Country DayDetroit Country Day From DC Dead MIXED881010121214
Detroit Country DayDetroit Country Day Trick or Treats991111131315
East LansingEast Lansing East Lansing MIXED10101212141416
East LansingEast Lansing East Lansing HS11111313151517
Everest CollegiateEverest Collegiate MIXED Hallowinners12121414161618
Grosse IIeGrosse IIe GI Warlocks13131515171719
Grosse IIeGrosse IIe Grosse Ile Goblins14141616181820
GrovesGroves Bone Voyage15151717191921
GrovesGroves MIXED Warlocks16161818202022
Mercy  - MIMercy - MI Vampires17171919212123
Pioneer - OH MIXED Hull and Back1818202022221
TroyTroy MIXED OOOOOOOOOO?1919212123232
TroyTroy MIXED vAmps++20202222113
TroyTroy Blood Types21212323224
TroyTroy MIXED Candy Corn222211335
West BloomfieldWest Bloomfield MIXED Ghosts232322446
West BloomfieldWest Bloomfield MIXED Goblins1133557