VISA Catholic JV Fleet Race Regatta

Scores for Division A

1Bruton High School14Collin McPherson '24
PanthersGabriel Shen '251
2YorkYork High School24Grayson Kelly '27
Falcons 2Tyler Compton '29
3YorkYork High School33Liam Burke '27
Falcons 1Dylan Thomas '28
4ChristchurchChristchurch School39Mare Barasik '26
Seahorses 3Jacob Carey '26
5Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy42Grant Fernandez '27
Bulldogs 1Gabby Crass '261-2,6-8
Eraj Zaidi '253-5
6Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy49Margaret Poston '281-2,6-8
Mady McGee '273-5
Bulldogs 3Mady McGee '271-2,7-8
Will Poynter '273-4
Shiza Zahir '285-6
7Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy55Davis Broach '271-2,6-8
Foard Hunter '273-5
Bulldogs 4Iro Catravas '251-3,6-8
Soham Patel '284-5
8PoquosonPoquoson High School78Carlton Gill '26
Islanders 2Jonathan Rutter '271-3,7-8
Riddick Walton '264-6
9PoquosonPoquoson High School83Hunter Walton '25
Islanders 1Alessandra Henesey '27
10Catholic HSCatholic High School93Hunter Heckman '26
Crusaders 1Sebastian Rodriguez '25
11Norfolk AcademyNorfolk Academy95David Martin '26
Bulldogs 2Owen Peluso '261-2
Emma Tartiere-Martinez '283-8
12Catholic HSCatholic High School96Abbie Kiggans '23
Crusaders 2Kelly Lee '26
13Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School115Corrine Todd '27
Oaks 1Willow Johnson '271-3
Leia Silverstein '234-8
14Williamsburg ClassicWilliamsburg Classical AcademyMRP122Caleb Nichols '25
OwlsOwen Wagner '25
15ChristchurchChristchurch SchoolMRP124Kate Jonson '25
Seahorses 1Cherry Phan '251-4
Graham Friesner '255-6
Suzie Nguyen '257-8
16KecoughtanKecoughtan High School135Scarlett Foster '261-2,5-8
Aisha Elrahhal '283-42
WarriorsAisha Elrahhal '281-2,5-82
Scarlett Foster '263-4
17Norfolk CollegiateNorfolk Collegiate School152No show
Oaks 2No show
18ChristchurchChristchurch SchoolMRP172Graham Friesner '25
Seahorses 2Suzie Nguyen '25
1Poquoson sailor
2Heritage - VA sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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