MDISA SCC Tier 1 Fleet Race

Scores for Division B

1SevernSevern School14Ashton Perkins '28
AdmiralsJack Lever-Farino '251-4
Charlotte MacDonald '265-6
2St. Marys  (MD)St. Mary's High School (MD)22Caroline Welte '26
SaintsAndrew DeLoach '26
3Severna ParkSeverna Park25Robert Heath '25
FalconsConnor Smith '251-4
Madison Cannon '255-6
4Leonardtown HighLeonardtown High School28Jared Werner '25
RaidersSam Glauner '27
5Great MillsGreat Mills High School31Claire Sullivan '25
HornetsMaria Mercier '25
6Archbishop SpaldingArchbishop Spalding40Ann Martino '251-2,5-6
Alex Julian '283-4
CavaliersMaggie McInerney '25
7KeyKey School45Casey Burman '281-2,5-6
Robert Bauer '263-41
ZagsGideon Santana '281-2,5-6
Hugo Raftovich '263-4
8Walt WhitmanWalt Whitman High School47James Stahl '27
VikingsGrace Shields '25
9South RiverSouth River High School53Clara Neeland '26
SeahawksAnnika Fisher '25
10BroadneckBroadneck High School61Erin Lawlor '261-2
Skyler Krinetz '253-6
BruinsFelicia Gomoljak '261-4
James O'Leary '255-6
11The Tome School63Nathaniel Wyman '28
TitansEmerson Stehl '26
12St. Stephens St. Agnes School65Georgia Neaderland '27
SaintsMin Chi Chao '272
13AnnapolisAnnapolis High School66Henry Meyer '25
PanthersEllie Katz '271-2
Henry Pachler '273-4
Blake Gezelle '275-6
14St. Mary's RykenSt. Mary's Ryken71Leo Xiang '25
KnightsMichael Finarelli '25
1Annapolis sailor
2Montgomery Blair sailor

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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