VISA Christchurch Fleet Regatta


Saturday, September 21:

VISA sailors arrived at the beautiful Christchurch waterfront to find an absolutely perfect fall day with fog lifting to reveal partly cloudy skies, temperatures in the 70's and NO wind. While the regatta was postponed on shore, sailors enjoyed kayaking, paddleboarding, swimming and various ball games. At about 11:30, the breeze filled in from the SE at 5 mph and the sailors launched. The winds built throughout the afternoon to about 12 mph, steady for the SE. Flat seas built to a one foot chop.

On the varsity course, 20 A/B teams from 12 schools were able to complete 4 W-4 races in each division before the 3:00 no start after time. Christchurch School Christchurch School Team 1 ran away with 4 bullets and 13 points in first place. They were followed by Christchurch School Team 2 in second place with 29 points. Taking third place was Hampton Roads Academy in third place with 33 points.

On the JV course, 12 teams representing 5 schools sailed a total of 5 W-4 races. The top finishes York High School in first place with an impressive 5 bullets, Hampton Roads Academy Team 1 in second place, and Christchurch School Team 2 in third place.

Many thanks are due to the volunteers and the race committee without whom we would not be able to run regattas week after week. Special thanks to PRO Alex Jacob on the varsity course and PRO Cutter Smith on the JV course.

And, thanks goes to Rob Deane and Christchurch School for the warm welcome and the use of all of their toys during the postponement.

Score summary

1ChristchurchSeahorses 15813
2ChristchurchSeahorses 2101929
3Hampton RoadsNavigators 124933
4Norfolk CollegiateOaks 1181735
5Norfolk AcademyBulldogs 1122941
6ChristchurchSeahorses 3382159
7ChristchurchSeahorses 4343266
8MauryCommodores 1264470
9Hampton RoadsNavigators 2423173
10The HagueTritons514495
14Norfolk AcademyBulldogs 26045105
15Norfolk CollegiateOaks 25452106
17MauryCommodores 25772129
18Norfolk CollegiateOaks 34887MRP135
19Catholic HSCrusaders7372145
*Head-to-head tiebreaker

Score history

The following chart shows the relative rank of the teams as of the race indicated. Note that the races are ordered by number, then division, which may not represent the order in which the races were actually sailed.

The first place team as of a given race will always be at the top of the chart. The spacing from one team to the next shows relative gains/losses made from one race to the next. You may hover over the data points to display the total score as of that race.

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