NWISA Kick Off

A Division

AnacortesAnacortes Hawks 15151172-172-5555
AnacortesAnacortes Hawks 212621262SYC 10SYC 10SYC 6SYC 6
BallardBallard VarsitySYC 10SYC 10SYC 6SYC 6SYC 12SYC 12
BellinghamBellingham RaidersSYC 6SYC 6SYC 12SYC 12SYC 1SYC 1
Catlin GabelCatlin Gabel Eagles181819192020
Central KitsapCentral Kitsap Cougars 1106106107107108108
Central KitsapCentral Kitsap Cougars 210810824824812621262
EverettEverett SeagullsSYC 12SYC 12SYC 1SYC 1SYC 3SYC 3
Friday HarborFriday Harbor Wolverines 1191920202121
Friday HarborFriday Harbor Wolverines 2202021212222
GarfieldGarfield Bulldogs 1SYC 1SYC 1SYC 3SYC 3SYC 2SYC 2
GarfieldGarfield Bulldogs 226265151172-172-
IngrahamIngraham Rams131316161717
InterlakeInterlake SaintsSYC 3SYC 3SYC 2SYC 2SYC 11SYC 11
Lincoln ORLincoln OR Cardinals212122222323
Lycee Francais ChiLycee Francais Chi Red Hawks 1555566667777
Lycee Francais ChiLycee Francais Chi Red Hawks 266667777106106
Mercer IslandMercer Island IslandersSYC 2SYC 2SYC 11SYC 11SYC 8SYC 8
North KitsapNorth Kitsap Varsity161617171818
Oak HarborOak Harbor Wildcats172-172-55556666
OlympiaOlympia BearsSYC 8SYC 8SYC 5SYC 5SYC 7SYC 7
OlympicOlympic Varsity107107108108248248
OrcasOrcas Vikings 1222223232424
OrcasOrcas Vikings 2232324242626
OrcasOrcas Vikings 3242426265151
OESOES Aardvarks7777106106107107
Port AngelesPort Angeles Roughriders1113131616
SehomeSehome MarinersSYC 5SYC 5SYC 7SYC 7SYC 4SYC 4
SqualicumSqualicum StormSYC 7SYC 7SYC 4SYC 4SYC 9SYC 9
The OverlakeThe Overlake VarsitySYC 4SYC 4SYC 9SYC 911
Unregistered Unregistered24824812621262SYC 10SYC 10
WilsonWilson Trojans171718181919
WoodinvilleWoodinville FalconsSYC 9SYC 9111313

B Division

AnacortesAnacortes Hawks 1107107108108248248
AnacortesAnacortes Hawks 2SYC 5SYC 51818SYC 12SYC 12
BallardBallard Varsity1818SYC 12SYC 122020
BellinghamBellingham RaidersSYC 12SYC 122020SYC 7SYC 7
Catlin GabelCatlin Gabel Eagles242426265151
Central KitsapCentral Kitsap Cougars 1SYC 1SYC 1SYC 2SYC 2SYC 3SYC 3
Central KitsapCentral Kitsap Cougars 2SYC 3SYC 3SYC 4SYC 4SYC 5SYC 5
EverettEverett Seagulls2020SYC 7SYC 7SYC 9SYC 9
Friday HarborFriday Harbor Wolverines 126265151172-172-
Friday HarborFriday Harbor Wolverines 25151172-172-5555
GarfieldGarfield Bulldogs 1SYC 7SYC 7SYC 9SYC 9SYC 8SYC 8
GarfieldGarfield Bulldogs 2106106107107108108
IngrahamIngraham Rams212122222323
InterlakeInterlake SaintsSYC 9SYC 9SYC 8SYC 81919
Lincoln ORLincoln OR Cardinals172-172-55556666
Lycee Francais ChiLycee Francais Chi Red Hawks 12482481262126211
Lycee Francais ChiLycee Francais Chi Red Hawks 21262126211SYC 1SYC 1
Mercer IslandMercer Island IslandersSYC 8SYC 819191616
STEMSTEM Engineers19191616SYC 11SYC 11
North KitsapNorth Kitsap Varsity222223232424
Oak HarborOak Harbor Wildcats10810824824812621262
OlympiaOlympia Bears1616SYC 11SYC 111313
OlympicOlympic VarsitySYC 2SYC 2SYC 3SYC 3SYC 4SYC 4
OrcasOrcas Vikings 1555566667777
OrcasOrcas Vikings 266667777106106
OrcasOrcas Vikings 37777106106107107
OESOES Aardvarks11SYC 1SYC 1SYC 2SYC 2
Port AngelesPort Angeles RoughridersSYC 6SYC 621212222
SehomeSehome MarinersSYC 11SYC 111313SYC 10SYC 10
SqualicumSqualicum Storm1313SYC 10SYC 101717
The OverlakeThe Overlake VarsitySYC 10SYC 101717SYC 6SYC 6
Unregistered UnregisteredSYC 4SYC 4SYC 5SYC 51818
WilsonWilson Trojans232324242626
WoodinvilleWoodinville Falcons1717SYC 6SYC 62121